CANukIn a statement issued to the members of the media, CANUK congratulates Nigerians for a peaceful electoral process. The historic transparent and fare election has been dubbed a win for all Nigerians. Using the opportunity, The CANUK chairman Mr Bimbo Folayan thanked Nigerians for listening to the earlier plea and campaign for peace during the process.

“The recently concluded and keenly contested presidential elections in Nigeria have finally come to a close. The Nigerian people have chosen to embrace the true principles of democracy and have exercised their rights by electing a new president, Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Though some had predicted that Nigeria as a country would cease to exist by 2015, those who participated in the electoral process have shown that the unity, stability and future of the country is paramount above all things.

The elections passed relatively smoothly, though there were reports of technical difficulties and the odd spate of violence. But on the whole, the conduct of the polls can best be described as ‘peaceful’.

CANUK (The Central Association of Nigerians in the UK) led by Chief Bimbo Roberts Folayan has always pleaded with the politicians and Nigerians in general to embrace peace and protect their liberty during these elections. We are glad that most Nigerians listened to our plea.

Special recognition must go to the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega for being an unbiased umpire during the polls and for ensuring its credibility. The outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan must also be commended for being gracious in defeat and promptly congratulating the president elect Muhammadu Buhari after his victory was declared.

But the true winners of the elections are the Nigerian people, who waiting for hours & in certain cases, days to cast their votes for the candidate they believed was best for Nigeria’s future. President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari has been given the mandate to change their lives for the better and must repay their trust with action.

The Central Association of Nigerians in the UK (CANUK) congratulate him and the vice president elect Professor Yemi Osibajo on their historical victory and wish them all the best as they embark on this special national assignment.

We pledge our full support as patriotic citizens in the Diaspora & thank all the candidates who contested the elections for the role they have played in strengthening the roots of our great nation’s democracy”.

One Nigeria.