Stephen Lawrence Day: Baroness Doreen Lawrence OBE to issue certificates to 44 successful Black Entrepreneurs at SOAS 

Black British Initiative celebrates the first swathe of graduates of its MBA 30 program in partnership with Baroness Doreen Lawrence’s Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation and SOAS, University of London at today’s Graduation Ceremony.

Among the recipients is, Patrick Hutchinson – the social justice hero, personal trainer and children’s coach, who received global attention when he carried an injured counter-protestor to safety during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in London.

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Ambition and Discipline: How Tony Trowers Built and Sustained Decades of Success in Business.

I treated myself to a brand new 911 Porsche, in 1999. I paid £89,000 for that car and I bought it outright. I made the purchase after securing and turning thirteen properties in a liquidation sale.
Being successful has a whole host of challenges too and being a black person added to that. There were loads of barriers that I had to get through to be acknowledged. I had to let the job do the talking.

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Bright and Bold: Studio Dmaxsi Sets Post-covid Fashion Tone.

In all of this, I’ve found that beautiful bright colours continue to give me the right energy to get back myself and set my mind right. I hope this makes people smile. I encourage everyone to embrace colour as we step into 2021, find strength in what you can create out of the chaos and let’s make the future better than the days past.

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