C. Hub Magazine: Uplifting Content for Africa’s Changemakers

We’re seeking fresh, high-quality content that celebrates creativity, leadership, and entrepreneurship in Africa/ by Africans across the globe. Our target audience includes professionals, creatives, entrepreneurs, and those seeking positive and inspiring stories.

What We Publish:

  • Uplifting stories and experiences often ignored by mainstream media.
  • Practical and valuable content focused on your industry (business, fashion, music, etc.).
  • Engaging narratives that inspire and empower our readers.

Who We Want to Hear From:

  • Emerging talents with unique perspectives.
  • Established industry experts and influencers.
  • Individuals with exclusive interview opportunities.

What We Don’t Publish:

  • Clickbait articles or regurgitated content.
  • Previously published work or copyrighted material.
  • Negative, racist, discriminatory, or violent content.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Pitch Structure:
    • Email Title: Journo Pitch (Urgent if applicable)
    • Working title, crossheading, and key points of your article.
    • A compelling sentence explaining why your pitch is a good fit.
    • Links to your previous work (if applicable).
  • Word Count: 750-1200 words.
  • Payment: Discuss rates with your editor before submission. Promote your published article on social media for wider reach.
  • Sources & Images: Include potential sources and clarify if you’ll provide images.
  • Headlines & Formatting: Submit a working headline (subject to final approval). Use the provided form for all submissions. (Photographers, models, and PR inquiries can use the contact-us page or WeTransfer for high-resolution images).

We look forward to hearing your ideas!