AngelaAngela Layne wants every woman to get a mammogram, a campaign she hopes will help save the lives of as many women as possible. She posts her topless picture in a bid to break the internet for good. On her Facebook post she writes, “I know I will be judged for this photo. Well I’m prepared for it. By posting this picture I hope it will cause you to talk and tell your Mother, wife, sister, daughter, cousin or anyone you know to get a mammogram. In 30 days I will celebrate my 44 years of life. My wish is that I touch 100 and save them from walking this path. I’ve been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Soon I will lose my breast. I want to spare as many from this journey I am taking. Tag me, repost, even share this photo. Let’s break the internet to bring awareness. Thank you for your love, Angela Layne Bowen Photography by Craig Merritt Titled: Breast Cancer I have it, it doesn’t have me.”

Angela is determined to fight this monster with all her strength as well as help raise awareness, get women talking about it and take action for themselves. She is currently undergoing a chemotherapy which threatens to take her hair but defiant Angela shaves them off as she declares, “Felicia was taking my hair out. So I shaved it off, I refuse to allow cancer to take my hair.”

Angela who has worked alongside service members as a civilian contractor on dangerous assignments for several years is also a single mother to two sons. On the 21 July, 2015, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer . Determined, she is fighting back and will not let her diagnosis break her. A gofundme page has been set up to help raise fund towards her cancer treatment.