London 16/10/2015 C. Hub magazine and Colourful radio have today signed a media partnership for the forthcoming C. Hub magazine CREATIVITY AWARD (CA). The partnership will see a series of mutual promotional activities between the two media giants throughout the event period.
official media partner colourful
Emeka Anyanwu C. Hub magazine publishing director says, “We’re happy to have Colourful radio is our official media partner for CA award 2015. This is a very fantastic collaboration and opportunity to give voice to African and Caribbean talent and creativity. I hope that the creative community will utilise this opportunity for their brand growth and awareness.”

Colourful Radio is a unique family-friendly radio station for lovers of music and conversation. Offering unique genre-centric programmes with cultural, community, business, and political relevance alongside a vast music variety. The overall programming stance is inclusive and non-alienating. The station can be heard on digital radio, on the Internet at, on Mobiles and on Apps, with 24/7 engagement across social media.

CA award (Creativity Award) by C. Hub magazine is a unique platform created to further cement C. Hub magazine’s vision in encouraging excellence in creativity within African and Caribbean creative and entertainment industry.
In the last 3 years, C. Hub magazine has a huge link between Africa and the rest of the world through quality creative news and reports, articles and features, telling the unique stories behind every creative work.

Now available to a global audience online, on print and through the app store. C. Hub magazine has been named the best magazine of the year UK, and the most informative African magazine in the US. Has also been nominated for BEFFTA best magazine again this year.

Faustina Anyanwu the Chief editor says, “It’s a beautiful news to have Colourful radio as our official media partner as the share the same vision with us in giving exposure African and Caribbean creative. I truly do believe that this partnership will further strengthen the prestige that this award carries. The finalists should be happy and utilise this opportunity to connect with their fans worldwide.