Abdul 4Abdulai Kabba is a young Sierra Leonean whose mission is to change the lives of children in his community. At the age of 16, young Abdulai started  his foundation to raise fund helping fellow young people to go to school and have access to good food and drinking water.

Abdulai having seen the challenges that most children in his community faced, he was motivated to do something about it. Though he didn’t know how to, he still told himself he can do something. One day he stumbled onto Facebook and began taking pictures and videos to show the world how they’re living in his community. In less than a week, he had a few people come forward to support him if there was any structured way to do so.  He started the Abdulai Kabba foundation called YMWB (You Me We Build) . In 9 months, the foundation has raised over £9000 and has distributed books, food items, electricity , solar lights and more to the communities with the help of a few friends, otherwise he has been doing all this independently.
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Its almost 1 year now since I started the foundation. And in a short time have done great for the children in my community i help children and people that seek needs from me I started it on the ending of may 2015.

I give foods like breads,  juice apple pop (soda) pineapple mango oranges water.  I give school materials like books, pen , pencil,  bags,  socks , school  wears and pants. “

When asked how he has continued to generate funds he said, “Any time I give out things I take videos and pics through that people can see they are happy and appreciated the support people give them.  Some parents are not able to give them most of the things I have given them and I can say many of them have bags and books, pen and  pencil for schooling because  I think  the most important things in children’s lives is education.”

Abdulai has made lots of friends since he began his foundation. And has gradually become Facebook famous amongst majority of Americans and other people from around the world.  He has over 4000 followers and more thousands already as friends on Facebook. Majority of the times, Abdulai has received encouraging words and support from these people. Younger children in his community now look up to him.
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“Sometimes I see my self different from my mates because at a young age I got some people that are looking up to me and at a young age I do things that people who are grown than me do not do for people.  I do things that most of these rich people in my community  don’t do and most of the people that know me loves me and willing to guide me in my future. I doing this to help young children as I am a person who is trying to be a leader. I wish to help more children.”

Abdul 2Abdulai is grateful for al the contributions and also willing to have mentors who can help him develop the foundation and make it more structured and recognised.  You can contact Abdulai or donate to his foundation on gofundme here.