Top lawyer and diversity leader, Funke Abimbola, has been listed in the law section of Debretts 500.

Funke Abimbola
Funke Abimbola

The Debrett’s 500 list recognises Britain’s 500 most influential people and is carefully compiled by independent specialists in each of a number of sectors – from Advertising, Business and Fashion through to Politics, Science and Law – who provide nominations for selection to Debrett’s.

For almost 250 years, Debrett’s has been recognising people of influence and achievement in British society through its publications The Peerage and People of Today. As an extension to this heritage, the Debrett’s 500 was launched in 2014 and is published in the Telegraph Magazine. Recognising those who inspire, influence and instigate change beyond expectation, it is a truly inspiring group of people.

Funke’s voluntary contribution to and influence in improving workplace diversity (with a focus on improving gender balance, race diversity and social mobility within the legal profession) has gained her a place on this prestigious list together with the voluntary work she does in empowering the next generation to overcome obstacles and maximise their potential.

Also listed in the law section are the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright and several Supreme Court judges including President of the Supreme Court, Lord Neuberger, Deputy President, Baroness Hale and Lord Sumption.

The full list can be viewed at: