Father and Son suspected to rape 13 year old to death in Nigeria13 year old Ochanya who battled with Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) and other health complications at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi after being severely abused by a man and his son on both sides has finally, painfully passed unto the great beyond yesterday in a private hospital in otukpo, according to Defunke Adewunmi, CEO and Founder of Black Diamond Support Foundation. Who confirmed the incident with strings of posts on her Facebook wall.

“The sorrow in my heart is unquantifiable but we must submit to the consequences of the evil of men.” She lamented.

The suspect, a father, Mr Andrew Ogboja, 51 is the Head of Department, Catering and Hotel Management at the Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo, Benue State, and his son, Victor Inalegwu Ogboja, a final year student of Animal Production at the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, allegedly consistently molested little Ochanya from the age of 9 to age 13. The father and son are said to have taken turns every night on her.

Little Ochanya has been living with this damned family because of family affinity after her mother died and her father remarried. She subsequently became an object of sexual satisfaction for the randy lecturer and his son who would occasionally drug her before molesting her back and front with threats of death if anyone got to know of it.

She would take ill but it was difficult for the hospitals in Ugbokolo to detect exactly what was wrong. Occasionally, she would even collapse.

In February 2018, she again collapsed and this time, was bedridden for 2 months because she was terribly sick and couldn’t even resume school. In June, a caregiver who runs an Orphanage in Otukpo picked interest in her pitiable health status and decided to take her to the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi, where it was revealed that she was being sexually abused on all sides and this had affected her badly causing uncontrollable defecation and passing of urine.

Ochanya after serious interrogation revealed how long the molestation had been taking place and how she was threatened against her life if anyone got to know of what was happening. She explained that she was forced with drugs which made her not to be very conscious of what happened. The report says.

“For the records, she is of a late mom and humble father who is resident far in the village and who does not have the means to pursue to logical conclusion, such adversity against their daughter.”

The situation was reported at the Police Headquarters in Makurdi and the man was arrested and the case was charged to court while Ochanya continued to struggle for life in the hospital. At the court, the man was ordered to be remanded pending the next adjournment in September when the son too was to be arrested and charged and before then, the man was seen walking freely on the streets. On the next adjournment, the lawyers to Ochanya couldn’t make it to court and the case was further adjourned to 4th November 2018.

Molested and sodomized Ochanya in her condition couldn’t recognize anyone and her eyes remained closed. Yesterday, she couldn’t battle further, she took her last breath. We pray for the peaceful repose of her soul.

Distraught Defunke writes, “I bring this story to the world for the sake of Justice against the spirit of a poor girl. Is Mr. Ogboja and his son Victor truly human? Do they deserve to be alive? Is he suppose to remain a lecturer? Is his son suppose to be an undergraduate? Where is our Justice system? What are the police doing to foster law and order? Look at the abhorable evil and it’s consequences.”

“Can this nincompoop of an idiot and his illiterate son of an undergraduate know peace? His generation is doomed for life. They will have to pay for their wrong. Friends and fellow humanitarians, let us rise up and fight this evil family to their end. These kind of people have no purpose in a God given life.” She concludes.

PLEASE SHARE till ochanya gets justice

Please donate generously to help with cost of
Autopsy and ambulance – N150k. So she can be buried asap
We need support : Donations can be sent to Nigeria bank details as below
Tobore Emorhokpor GTB 0107955196

Or call – +234 8135127394.

About Black Diamond Support Foundation.
The aim of the foundation is to create awareness and solicit support for indigents;
Particularly Women who genuinely can’t afford to foot the educational, medical and feeding bills of their kids by empowering the ones we can and paying the fees of others as much as we can.
“We attack this issue from these fronts,
#back2school and
#reachingtheslum projects.”

Defunke and her team also ‘Walk And Talk Against Rape and Abuse’ in all its forms, physical/emotional/sexual #WATARA. We support victims emotionally and spearhead their cases as much as possible.
Birth control and safe sex measures to prevent STDs and STIs are priority to #BDSF too.

Most recently, they kicked off a One Girl One Pad #OGOP campaign to educate adolescent and teenage girls on sanitary and healthier hygienic ways to go through their menstrual periods.

BDSF believes that everyone has a potential to be great and should be given the opportunity and fair playing ground to harness these potentials, their societal status notwithstanding.

“Black Diamonds are unrefined, raw, untapped diamonds that glitter and are of great value when rightly processed.
We see these indigents and we cannot but contribute the little we can to make their lives better.”

BLACK Diamonds Support Foundation #BDSF