Habits And Hurdles: Why Do Some Succeed and Some Fail?

Have you ever found yourself in a circle of undesirable events happening and repeating themselves in your life? Do you find that you never finish any projects? Do you find you never succeed in anything you put your hands to? Are you always getting into trouble with people; in business, your workplace or school? Do you find yourself always indebts, overwhelmed with a lot to do and never knowing where to start from? Do you find that your life always seems to be in constant chaos, as if you always have to start over again? If any of these describes you, then it’s time to look at your habits to find which of the things you do is continuing to sabotage your desire for success.

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Giving your body a break from constant digestion enables it to have enough time to repair & rejuvenate and supports the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. Our diets can dramatically change our gut microbe communities and this not only influences our health & happiness, but studies have shown that our gut health affects our mental health. It may also influence our immune function, inflammation, allergies, metabolism & appetite.

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Three short Mind Exercises For Losing Weight.

This method may seem rather flippant, however, what you are doing is not only re-writing your internal script, but you are also raising your vibrational energy and releasing fabulous feel-good endorphins. You are reprogramming your subconscious mind into having a very positive default setting when you think about yourself, and the natural consequence of this is that you start to realise that you deserve to treat yourself better when it comes to food choices. It is very simple but awesomely powerful!

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A Little Tweak on your Mindset Holds the Key to Losing Weight.

The language of the Inner Coach helps us to create the best version of ourselves. It’s a language of forgiveness, acceptance, patience & understanding. It’s absolutely essential that we start to notice the sort of language that we use towards ourselves because that is what guides our self-programming and is the difference between success and failure.

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