

Beverley De-Gale OBE . . .

Co – Founder, ACLT Widely known for her tireless work for the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust, (ACLT), Beverley is one of the dynamic leaders of this generation who inspires the next





Love –  Love is Sacrificial + Selfless. Love is energy, it cannot be created or destroyed. It is and always will be the giving of meaning life and direction to goodness… Love will never die. Sex – Is beautiful, it is the unison of 2 consenting adults, it is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.

Hate – “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it”. Martin Luther King.

Fear – Fear is the enemy of success. If you’re ruled by fear, you’ll never take enough risks or achieve the success you deserve. While I think overcoming fear is a learned skill, I also believe that sometimes it takes time.

Business – The purpose of every business is to make a profit through creating & keeping customers. That philosophy also applies to charity i.e. ACLT’s profits are to register as many donors as possible by creating awareness and education which allows the public to happily sign up as life savers and passing our message on to others. Hopefully they will opt to financially support our life saving work as well.

Power – Is the measure of one’s ability to control its environment, including the behaviour of others. This is not easy to achieve, because people must firstly believe in you first. I do believe that we (ACLT) have the power to change the mindsets of so many people about the subject matter of becoming donors. Simply by giving the facts and addressing the myths, fears and taboos we have the power to create life savers out of people who would have never considered stepping up to the plate before.

Jealousy – Jealousy is a feeling of resentment against someone who may have something we would like to also have. By feeling this way, we are giving this emotion our attention, “What we sew is what we reap”. We should find our strengths; focus on those strengths and unique qualities. Feel gratitude for the gifts we have and abilities that we are blessed with. Once we identify what they are, then shift our focus.

Inspiration – My greatest inspiration are my children and my family. I am also inspired by the following: Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Maya Angelou, Obama’s, Malala Yousafzai and many others.

Achievements – Being a loving mother, being a loving partner and best friend of Orin Lewis, co founding a cancer charity which registers donors and saves lives.

What being a woman means – Liberation, I can say and do anything I want to say without feeling embarrassed or inhibited, at peace, learning to make myself  no.1, comfortable in my own skin, going natural with my hair, enjoying life, greater compassion, opportunistic, powerful, knowing myself sexually. I appreciate spontaneous humor and laugh.

Favorite Quotes – I have many favorite quotes but at our son’s funeral, one of his dear friends said of him, “It’s not the years in his life, but the life in his years”.


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