mbw advert Divas originalMy Black woman have just announced the 6 worthy women of colour to be honoured on the Divas of colour 2014 in London. These 6 women according to the organizers are outstanding women of colour of all time whose works, resilience and drive have brought dignity to the woman of colour. A selection of women unanimously chose them to be their women of honour.

Among them are – Betty Makoni of Zimbabwe, is a gender activist to champion the rights of girl children in Zimbabwe, she founded an organisation caring for  Zimbabwe’s young sex abuse victims. Her works has earned her prizes all over the world including winning the CNN heroes.

Others in the list include – Dr Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama,Baroness Doreen Lawrence and legendary Nigeria Singer Onyeka Onweni. 

“These women are like beacon of light for every woman and it just serves right that we celebrate, honour and reward them for their resilience, power, and dignity. These are women we always look up to both in our careers and life as women of colour. They have been a source of inspiration to me as a person and I’m glad that other women could see that too.” says Faustina Anyanwu (Fauntee) the founder of My Black Woman and Divas of colour initiative.  Faustina is also our Co-Founder and chief editor.

Divas of colour international women’s day London 2013, is set to be the largest and most lavish gathering of women of colour in the UK if not Europe. The selection process is now on to discover the next 5 women ambassadors for this year.  The event will include – Fashion contest by female designers, beauty contest, trade exhibition, seminars and fund raising for the charity Glowing future for their work against domestic violence. Women and businesses are being called to be a part of this huge event.

We will continue to update you as we receive further details. Meanwhile you can stay in touch via the official website