Kalango by Emeka Anyanwu
Kalango by Emeka Anyanwu

Kalango the new book due to be release on pre- order from July throws a glowing light to Nigerians unwitting corruption and socio economic problems. Centred on a hospital St Johns which represents Nigeria as a project which was conceived with good intentions where everything is complete, the beauty is unwavering and perfect yet, due to mismanagement, greed, lack of vision and accountability, the hospital is run down and trashed in a way unimaginable. The fiction brings to life the truth of what life is about trying to succeed and make a significant change in Nigeria. A story carefully weaved with office gossip, corruption, sex, embezzlement of public fund, affairs, lies, difficulty, wealth, and anything you can think of.

Kalango who is the protagonist in the story with his counterparts representing the former leaders and those in authority , the big players in the Nigerian society who have hijacked the country. Those who make and live above the law. They use every aspect of their power and connection to make sure they intimidate life out of ordinary citizens.

One man Uzo who is the narrator and the antagonist is doing all in his power as an ordinary and powerless citizen to prove that with determination, you can face and bring down the most powerful of all. With his experience, innovative thinking, knowledge and use of social media, Uzo tries to bring back that leadership lacking in the project . First he takes on Kalango himself using twitter to launch his campaign on the unlawful ‘exheading’ Kalango and his thugs did on his tenants roof. Then he runs for his life to Lagos when Kalango swear to make sure he ceases to exist in that village. In Lagos, Uzo gets a job in one of Nigeria’s biggest specialist hospital, there he is yet again faced with dealing with and covering up corruption. A man set out for correcting the injustices, he had no choice but to have to deal with the Directors . Not an easy task, will he succeed or will he be assassinated as usual .

Kalango personifies Nigeria in a way that it not only will open your eyes to the realities of how much goes on in a country where there is so much wealth, yet harbours one of world’s worst poverty eaten population.

The narrator, artistically uses satire, humour, wit Irony and sarcasm to express an eye opening depiction of Nigerian life . Capturing what life is like for the ordinary people on the streets and as employees, how the political hijack affects them. In it all, women are so pushed into poverty and those who dare not to, have themselves end up into activities they naturally won’t set out for. Prostitution and sexual exploitation of vulnerable and gullible women gradually has to become a norm. who will bell the cat?

Emeka Anyanwu, carefully brought into play all the major tribes in this story as he tries to explore what role each party plays in the construct of the Nigeria we see and what each player is doing to restructure the nation forward or backwards. As he tries to prove how the ordinary citizens can with determination take the country back to its glory. Is this a mission impossible?

Kalango has been tipped to be a sure bestseller of all time , with a catchy title and simple cover design the confidence in the story makes it even more an interesting one to be curious about.

Emeka Anyanwu is an avid reader, a silent strategist is our CEO and publisher. In the last few years has shown his unmatched leadership skill, his ability to create something so powerful from nothing. A name you will rarely hear but yet makes the most powerful impact in the way you see Africa today using a simple strategy.

Author Emeka Anaynwu  V.C
Author Emeka Anaynwu V.C

Emeka Anyanwu, our CEO and publisher, is a graduate of Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) with a B. Engrg in Chemical engineering who has over the years led several oil companies to success before relocating to the UK where he again embarked on a post graduate diploma in Legal studies at London South Bank University.
In 2012, after surviving a serious acute Kidney failure, decided with his wife Faustina Anyanwu to launch C.Hub magazine the first and the only Afro creative magazine in the UK with next to no budget whatsoever. Yet, has managed to bring the magazine to being one of the most trusted voices of African creativity in the world. Apart from using his storytelling skills, Emeka Anyanwu is also a motivational and business speaker, a man who believes in doing and is self motivated. His love for food is what drives him in writing some of the culinary articles that you find on C.hub magazine pages and website. He also writes on leadership, relationships and lifestyle.

You can follow Emeka Anyanwu on twitter on @Venthevc

Kalango will officially to be released to the public for pre-orders at the end of July. Official release is in August followed by the launch and book signing in September through October with a Black History tour.
Hope you enjoy it!