imageIn an emergency briefing with the members of the media today, Mr Ayo Akinfe(pictured) warns the general public of a recent finding of fraudsters allegedly impersonating the Nigeria centenary awards UK committee. The fraudsters are said to be sending scam letters informing their target that they’ve won a sum of money. He warns that such letters are not from the prestigious body, rather from individuals who want to tarnish the image of the organisation.

He says; “It has been brought to our attention that certain unscrupulous individuals are sending out fraudulent letters claiming to be representatives of a Nigerian Centenary UK organisation misleading members of the public about how they have won certain amounts of money.

These fraudsters are using the name NIGERIA-UK CENTENARY and asking members of the public to contact them on +387098167100213 or asking innocent victims to claim some outstanding monies. This is nothing but a scam by fraudsters to tarnish the good name of Nigeria and make themselves some ill-gotten wealth in the process.

The Nigerian Centenary Awards UK organising committee will like to make it clear that apart from the fact that we have absolutely no link whatsoever with such odious characters, they are fraudsters looking to scam innocent members of the public, cashing in on our successful event which took place on June 27. We would advise all members of the public to forward any such letters to the police immediately.

Be rest assured that the Nigerian Centenary Awards UK is over following the holding of our gala dinner on June 27 2014 at Waltham Forest Town Hall and the organising committee will not ask anyone for money or promise anyone outstanding money. With the Nigerian Centenary Awards UK, having being successfully completed, we are in the process of winding up the committee so are not conducting any further business.

Anyone who deals with these fraudsters do so at their own risk. The Nigerian Centenary Awards UK organising committee will not accept responsibility for any such transactions conducted with them.”