Rajavi Maryam, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in her season’s message points to the Iranian regime’s step up in arrest and harassment of Iranian Christians, urging people around the world to pray for those suffering in the region, especially Syria and Iraq. Also appealing for support for the Iranian people and resistance.
She says, ” Christians in Iran have been tried on charges like ‘acting against national security,’ and that “church leaders have either been imprisoned or subjected to different restrictions and controls.”
“The ruling mullahs have not only denied the followers of different religions the freedom to do their religious traditions but have even deprived them of the individual and social rights and a normal living,” Rajavi said.

The opposition leader added, ” Christmas is an inspiration for liberation of mankind because on that day Christ was born, and brings with it the spirit of Peace, brotherhood and tolerance when people of all religion come together to replace revenge with love and tolerance.”

Rajavi called for immediate action to secure the freedom of seven Iranian dissidents taken hostage in Iraq and to protect Camp Liberty, where Iranian dissidents in Iraq reside.

Concluding she says, “May Freedom and democracy triumph in my homeland Iran and in other countries in the region,” and that “in tomorrow’s secular, democratic and non-nuclear Iran, all Iranians, with whatever religion or belief, live together in freedom, peace and tolerance and without any discrimination before the law,” she said.