shakerAfter more than 13 years detained without charge or trial in Guantánamo Bay, Shaker Aamer has finally been released announces Amnesty international.
Shaker Aamer who is the last remaining UK resident in this notorious detention facility in Cuba,will soon be reunited with his wife and children – the youngest of whom he has never met.

“After more than a decade of pressure by Amnesty supporters, dedicated campaign groups and parliamentarians, we would like to thank you for being part of ending this injustice.” Amnesty International spokesperson says.

Despite the release, “questions about Shaker Aamer’s ordeal remain.”

Amnesty International would like you to ask these questions. “Why was he detained at all, and why was his release delayed when he was twice cleared for transfer out of Guantánamo, in 2007 and in 2009?

And what role did the UK play in his detention and treatment? Shaker Aamer says he was repeatedly abused in both Afghanistan and in Guantánamo.”

Amnesty insists that his “claims of interrogation and abuse in Afghanistan in the presence of MI5 officers highlight once again the need for an independent judge-led inquiry into allegations of UK involvement in torture and rendition.”

And whilst we welcome this news today, Amnesty will continue to fight against the injustice of Guantánamo Bay, and the fact that more than 100 detainees are still being held there.
