Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn MP will join Owen Jones, comedian Francesca Martinez and a range of cross party and cross faith speakers at the Refugees Welcome Here rally tomorrow Wednesday 4 November
The rally follows the mass march in September, and has been called in response to the failure of EU leaders, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, to reach a political agreement on taking a fair proportion of refugees currently stranded in Europe.
With Winter approaching the situation is becoming desperate. Thousands of refugees are stuck in slums without proper shelter, warmth and sanitation. The rally will call on the government to take a fair proportion of refugees in Europe.
Cameron’s 20,000 pledge does not include any refugees in Europe, and other European countries are adopting a fortress Europe policy in erecting large fences preventing refugees from entering. According to Stand Up to racism, a broad coalition of Parliamentarians, Trade unionists, Faith representatives, Refugee and Migrant groups, Black communities, Anti-raicist activists, students and others who stand against racism, fasicsm, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, for migrant rights and diversity.

Other big names have also voiced their concerns to how the refugees needs are being handled so far. Diane Abbott MP Said: “With refugees facing a deadly winter and many having lost their lives in the Mediterranean, our government will be judged shamefully by history for its’ woefully inadequate response to this crisis. Britain has a proud tradition of welcoming those in need of help. It is time for our government and fortress Europe to respond with humanity – I am proud to join this rally which will say loud and clear refugees welcome here”

Refugee Council Advocacy Manager Anna Musgrave said:
“It’s been two months since tens of thousands of people took to the streets to voice their support for refugees. But sadly, little has changed since then and men, women and children continue to die on Europe’s doorstep. It is unacceptable that the British Government continues to stand on the side-lines, watching those fortunate enough to survive the perilous Mediterranean crossing endure a march of misery across Europe as they attempt to find safety and join their loved ones. The Government must step forward and offer to share responsibility for protecting some of the refugees arriving on Europe’s shores. The continual outpouring of support for refugees illustrates that British people are eager and willing to welcome refugees. We need to see the same generosity of spirit from our leaders.”
Comedian Francesca Martinez said:
“I am appalled by the non-action of our government and the UN. Men, women, children and babies are dying everyday. They could be our families in another life. We cannot stand by and let this tragedy continue. Now is the time to show our humanity, combine our resources and help our fellow human beings who are in desperate need. We need to demand safe passage for refugees now.”

Sabby Dhalu Organiser Stand up to racism said:
“Across Europe we seeing refugees without proper shelter, warmth, food and sanitation and aid agencies lacking resources to cope. Already we are seeing ten month old babies dying from hypothermia because there aren’t enough blankets. In 21st century Europe human beings should not be living like this. With Winter approaching unless EU governments including Britain step up and do more, this situation will worsen. We cannot allow far right populist parties and fascist parties to set the agenda on the response to the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. We must stand up to racism and say refugees are welcome here. We can do more and must do more.”

Weyman Bennett Organiser Stand up to racism said:
“We cannot allow David Cameron’s government to allow refugees to freeze, drown or be maltreated because they are seeking their right to claim asylum. Good people have to raise their voices to say it is wrong to describe people as ‘swarms’ and ‘marauding’. Its is our belief that this feeds into a racist narrative against people desperately seeking safety. Fortunately, thousands of people from all over Britain have welcomed refugees, sent support to Calais and represent the true spirit of solidarity with people who need our help. The warning from across Europe is that fascists and the far right make gains from the hostile climate against refugees.”

Refugees Welcome Here Rally Details:
Wednesday 4 November 2015 from 18:30 at Camden Centre, Bidborough St, Kings Cross London WC1H 9AU

Expected to attend the rally include but not only;
Jeremy Corbyn MP Leader of the Labour Party
Diane Abbott MP Shadow Secretary of State for International Development
Owen Jones Journalist & writer
Francesca Martinez Stand up comedian
Kevin Courtney Deputy General Secretary NUT
Shahrar Ali Green Party Deputy Leader
Baroness Sheehan
Rabbi Lee Wax
Talha Ahmad Muslim Council of Britain
Shelly Asquith NUS VP Welfare
Shakira Martin NUS VP Further Education
Syrian Refugee speaker
Anna Musgrave Refugee Council
Lindsey German Convenor, Stop the war coalition
Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett Unite Against Fascism / Stand up to racism