mike brown“We condemn the decision of the Grand Jury not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for killing 18-year-old Michael Brown in St Louis. This comes on the same day that Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy, was shot dead by the police after carrying a toy gun

We call on all those who oppose this injustice to join us at the US Embassy tomorrow for an emergency protest.” Unite Against Facism

Carol Duggan, aunt of Mark Duggan and Marcia Rigg, of the Sean Rigg Justice and Change campaign will be speaking at the event together with others to be announced.

Carol Duggan, aunt of Mark Duggan said:
“Murder is not legitimate. No one should lose their child. Michael Brown has not got justice and neither has Mark Duggan. The Police are there to protect, not to kill our children”

Marcia Rigg of the Sean Rigg Justice and Change Campaign said:

“My heart goes out to Michael Brown’s family and the community in Ferguson. No Justice No Peace.”

Sabby Dhalu for Stand up to racism said:

“We fully support the family of Mike Brown. Having seen at first hand the pain of his family in Ferguson. We fully support the family’s call for the indictment. This comes within a day of Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy, being shot dead by US police after carrying a toy gun. The cheapness of black lives in the US is a reflection of racism that black communities face at the hands of the police that must be stopped.”

Weyman Bennett of Stand up to racism said:

“I went to Ferguson and met Mike Brown’s family. They have our full support – justice must be served.”

For more information contact Weyman Bennett on 07734 032314, Sabby Dhalu on 07794 633 097 and Denis Fernando on 07790022472 Email: info@standuptoracism.org.uk