FullSizeRenderExodus Swift is back once again and this time with what some critics may call a non traditional Christian Album. Although non traditional Christian music is what we can normally categorize his music as. This time it appears Exodus Swift has purposely stepped across a line of what is typically accepted by the Christian community. From titles such as Nightmare, Arsonist, and Christ For President.

Every song tells a story. Although the level of graphical content can be a little to much to a traditional Christian music platform. In my opinion it’s exactly what Christian music needs. From my understanding the bible clearly reads that lovers of this world will not enter heaven. And Jesus did not show mercy to evil nor did He sway in His walk of righteousness. So while many Christian artist are afraid to step over that line of controversy.

I applaud Exodus Swift for fearlessly stepping over it. And also doing it with the swag and hard lyrically bars that were delivered on every song. Men and women of all ages. Christians and non Christians everywhere. Rather you love him or hate him. Exodus Swift is an outstanding artist. What I truly don’t understand is.

The fact that music lovers around the world love lyricist like Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, and even artist like Drake. But Exodus Swift is only on a few million iPods around the world. Ladies and gentlemen please raise your standards in music. And download Exodus Swift’s Sinetics album. And for the Christian critics. No this is not a Lecrae, Trip Lee, or NF album. And not to take nothing away from those guys. I love the music that they create. But when I want to listen to that real deep make your mouth open with an omg moment music.

I push play on Exodus Swift on my iPod and let it play. When I download a Exodus Swift record I know I’m about to hear something real. I still had the tunes of Good Guy playing in my head and then arrives Exodus Swift’s Sinetics into the music world. My review of Sinetics can all be summed up into this. Ladies and gentlemen as I stated before men and women of all ages. Christians and non Christians everywhere around the world. This is an album that you absolutely need to and must have.

This is what realness is. This is hip hop. This is rap at its core. This is lyrical expression to the highest level of intellect. This is raw. This is the very foundation of where we should set the bar for quality music. This is Sinetics! This is Exodus Swift saying to these other rap artist. Step up your game! Get on my level! If you have not had the pleasure of hearing Sinetics yet. I urge you to download it today. It will change your very perception of what quality hip hop is.

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