The Metropolitan Police Service to dedicate a room within their new Peel Centre, Training and Development Estate, to Norwell Roberts QPM in recognition of his contribution to the advancement of Black and Ethnic Minority officers, in leading the path to change and diversity within the Metropolitan Police.
Norwell Final

“The dedication of this room, will look to inspire and inform the next generation of Police Officers, to the journey & sacrifices of their forbears.”
251 new recruits will be passing out at this parade, with their families, friends and loved ones in attendance, making for a proud and enjoyable celebration for all involved.

This will be the official opening of the Metropolitan Police’s new training establishment and the new Home Secretary Amber Rudd will be joining the Commissioner to review the recruits on this special occasion for the Metropolitan Police Service. Senior officers from each London Borough, where our new officers have been posted, will be present. Recruits will be marching on to the parade square, accompanied by The Band of the Queen’s Division, MPS horses and dogs.
Norwell Roberts QPM is the first Black to join the Metropolitan police and was the first to receive Queen’s Police medal. Norwell Roberts resilience in the face of racism and bigotry during his days as a Police officer and his dedication to his services has been a great inspiration to many and has earned him the great honour to be recognised as a LEGEND at the forthcoming CA award In a recent interview with C. Hub magazine’s Chief editor, Faustina Anyanwu, he recalls all what he faced concluding however how much happy he is to have been the one chosen to lead the way.

The ceremony will take place at the Metropolitan Police Training School, Peel House, Peel Centre, Hendon on Friday 7th October 2016, at 10.30hrs. Afterwards the student constable Passing Out Parade continues from approximately 12.00hrs-1630hrs.