Chinedu EnechiChinedu Enechi is a Philosophy graduate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and an MA student of Political and Social Philosophy at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. His hobbies include cooking, reading, watching movies and hanging out with friends.

Book Title: Ifechidere

No. of Pages: 73

Genre: Afrocentric| Coming of age genre.

Publisher: The Fearless Storyteller House Emporium Ltd

Language: English (With some Igbo extracts)

Formats: Ebook and ibook.

Release Date: 30th November, 2016

Availability: ALL Amazon markets, Kobo, Apple, Smashwords, and other major online stores.

The loss of both her parents, even before she is old enough to speak, appears to pre-determine Ifechidere’s life. She is made to toil from dusk to dawn.

Yet, Ifechidere is no modern-day Cinderella, as she finds that faith in the will to survive, which is stronger than any absentee fairy godmother, will propel her to find herself. And it’ll lead her to the thing that was always meant to be …

Could you tell of your previous or usual job before becoming an author?

I was a student; I still am.

Name any books that influenced your decision to become an author?

Arrows of God and Things Fall apart by Chinua Achebe, Black Boy by Richard Wright, The joy of Motherhood by Buchi Emecheta.

How have these books influenced your decision to become an author?

Very well, Achebe’s method of writing, his constructions and employment of adages in his writing are things I do in my own writing. So as other writers I mentioned. I saw writing as a way of transferring one’s inner feelings to their audience.

What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become

a better writer?

Chioma Nnani who is the founder of the publishing firm for “IFECHIDERE” is like an elder sister and a mentor to me. She has also helped me a lot in my writing career. She is always there to guide me.

Tell me about your first title?

“IFECHIDERE” is a story that belies the fact that character can pre-determine a person’s fate.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in publishing your books?

That I had to anticipate and write many of the questions that arise in the mind of my readers, so that I can answer them, because I won’t be there to explain what I really meant if something they have read is not clear.

What made you believe your ideas would make a great story for a book?

My belief that a person can survive, no matter their condition or background.

Are you looking forward to making a bestseller?

Yes, I am.

What did you edit out of this book?

First of all, the title. Then, there were a lot of things in the storyline that had to be edited, as well as grammatical errors and phrases.

What is the most fun thing about writing and having your book published?

The publisher that I worked with, actually wants their authors to succeed, and ensures that their authors’ voices are heard.

What does your family and friends think of your writing?

My late mum was my backbone for many years. My dad was a bit adamant at the beginning, but later found out that it’s my dream and supported me full time. My siblings are 100% supportive. Some of my friends are very supportive.

How have they contributed in having the book project completed?

Financially and morally, my mum was always there till she died. Other family also supported me financially, and my friends gave moral support. There were times when I was demoralised but my late mum would be like “Nna … be steadfast, the sky is your stepping stone. Little by little, you will get there. People that made it, faced a lot of challenges like what you’re facing now.” I miss her so much.

What was the most challenging aspect of getting your book published?

Finance and finding a good and honest publisher to offer me a publishing contract.

Are you looking to release more titles soon?


What are you most scared of right now about your writing/book?

Well, people’s patronage.

What’s your expectation?

I really hope that people like the book.

Could you summarize your book in not more than 5 sentences?

Ifechidere becomes a success notwithstanding her poor background and the fact that she’s an orphan …

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

Yes, but I was advised against it.

Who are you?

I am a Philosophy graduate of the University of Nsukka, and doing an MA in Political and Social Philosophy at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. In my spare time, I like to cook, read, hang out with my friends, watch movies and dance.