I am of the opinion that being teachable is one of the important qualities you need to have.

Without being teachable, how do you expect to learn more things you need to learn? When you think you already know all the things you need to know, how will you make room for those other things you are required to know?

I love the process of learning. I love gaining better insights and coming to understand those things that I need to understand, however, here lies the thing; for me to learn more, I need to be willing to be taught.

Teachability is important. Being teachable or willing to be taught doesn’t mean we don’t know things, it means we are wise enough to know that we can learn good things from others only if we don’t allow pride come in.

Don’t ever think that teachability means that you don’t know, it means you are wise enough to allow those who know better teach you.

And so, here are some of the ways you can be more teachable:

  1. Be Humble: I believe that when someone is teachable, that person will most likely be humble as well. A humble person ensures that he or she has an attitude that isn’t puffy or arrogant. rather, his or her attitude is lowly and calm, ensuring that he or she respects and treat every person the right way.
  2. Willing to Learn More: one of the things a teachable person needs to do is to ensure that he or she is willing to learn more; to ensure that he or she is willing to know those things that are needed to be known.
  3. Know your strengths and weaknesses: knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are, help you to know those things you can do and those ones you can’t do. It helps you know where you are really good at. And know your strengths and weaknesses can help you in knowing how and which area to learn more on.
  4. Be willing to be corrected: be willing to be corrected and allow those that already have knowledge about something explain that thing to you. If you avoid corrections, how do you want to know if you are wrong concerning something or not?
  5. Actively seek to develop: another way to be more teachable is to ensure that you consciously and actively seek to develop yourself and your skills. There are so many places you can learn good things from; both offline and online. It only requires you to make up your mind that you are willing to learn.

It is important to also ensure that you are mindful of the kind of things you are willing to be taught. Ensure that you learn good and relevant things.