Ibitola Ojoye
African Expat, Ibitola Ojoye, founder Insight of an author
UK born Nigerian Entrepreneur, Ibitola Ojoye opens her studio in Nigeria.

The Insight of an Author officially opened their doors on the 15th January 2018 at Ikeja , Lagos.

Ibitola Ojoye the founder of  The Insight of an Author, becomes one of many African expats relocating back home to make a difference. As the trend widens, more and more foreign born Africans are taking the bold steps, defying the narratives and fears of their parents to come back to their roots to rebuild their native homes.

 The  UK-based international multi-award winning author,  sought to create a platform for up-coming and established authors to share experiences on the world of writing; host seminars and mentoring for young authors as a way to  create more awareness and help build a healthy reading culture in Nigeria.

The Acceptance writer who is also the founder of a girl child movement, The Lizzy Adams foundations has over a year been sponsoring young girls through education.

Speaking of her vision with the project she tells C. Hub Magazine, “back in 2015 I decided to do a tour across some parts of Nigeria and during that tour something hit me. I realised that the reading culture has dwindled over the years.”

“Different studies have revealed that 40 per cent of Nigerian adults never finish reading a fiction book from cover to cover after leaving school. And there are other studies which show that about 30 million Nigerians have graduated from secondary schools with poor reading skills, attributing it to the poor habit cultivated during their stay at school. In many universities, most students do not read; even the few who read once in a while, merely do so as a means of passing their examinations.” She added.

“I am however relieved in some parts that the government is aware of this issue and give them credit for doing something about it. We have the Universal Basic Education Commission procuring computers, reading materials and even building classrooms. But I would still like to say the government needs to do more and not only the government but parents being the principal educators of their children cannot pretend that sending their children to schools will necessarily morph their kids into book worms. They should buy books; encourage their kids to read newspapers, magazines and other literature.”

She reiterates that,  “poor reading skill can make a child develop a poor attitude towards school and can create selfesteem problems later in life. Reading skills are essential to succeed in society. Those who are good readers tend to exhibit progressive social skills. A person who is widely read is able to mix with others. He/she is a better conversationalist than those who do not read.”

” I am therefore here to take my part in shinning the beacon into the world of writers offering unique insight into their works.” She said.

“I want to awaken the nation’s consciousness to the growing trend of illiteracy rate in Nigeria. We have to look into why the funding UBEC has reserved for these issues have not been assessed by some state governments. A serious awakening is needed in Nigeria.” She concludes.