C. Hub Magazine - Style and Fashion IssueIn this issue, we focus on Fashion, more specifically the just endes London Fashion week.

The fashion industry is one of  world’s largest employer and consumer  of creativity. In the recent years, the impact of fashion on the globe has been undeniably  powerful, especially as African fashion makes its way into the world mainstream fashion creating a  rise in what is dubbed ‘Afro-Fashion’. A trend that came with a bang, made no excuses and flowed with a huge influence from the MotherLand of Africa. A trend that found resonance with both the high-end mighty designers and the low and humble students/beginners alike.  Firmly setting itself apart from, but totally in seamless unity with the already existing and established fashion culture, styles and influence, it did not disrupt (but disrupted) the balance of the fashion world and all the drama, pomp and circumstances surrounding it; a.k.a; Fashion Week!!

There’s been a debate within and outside the industry, so many people are questioning the relevance of fashion weeks in this 21st Tech freak era. As this discussion makes its way through social media and among bloggers and fashion enthusiasts, our very own fashion professional, model and fashion consultant Gayle Ngozee takes sides on the topic. And her perspective is one you truly need to read through in this issue, to allow you the grounds to plug in your own thoughts on this topic.

Fashion is undoubtedly one of world’s oldest cultural expression of identity and has continued to be so. Therefore remains relevant in our everyday discussion regardless of how much the world expands in it’s quest for industrialisation, politics and or globalisation.

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