Government of Burundi Expels WHO representative Dr Walter Kazadi & 3 other experts – Professor Daniel Tarzy, Dr Ruhana Mirindi Bisimwa & Dr Jean Pierre Mulunda. Orders them to leave the Country by yesterday, 15th May 2020.

Like Tanzania and Madagascar, Burundi becomes next African country to slam what they branded shady games of the World Health Organisation. In a letter released to the media, Burundi expels the national head of the WHO and three of his subordinates making it the second African country to expel WHO from its shores.

The government confirmed on Thursday that a May 12 letter from the foreign ministry was sent to WHO’s country head, Walter Kazadi Mulombo and three others of the U.N. body’s health experts, ordering them out by Friday.

Bernard Ntahiraja, the foreign affairs assistant minister, said the officials had been declared “persona non grata” but did not give further reasons.

However, The WHO’s head for Africa expectedly criticized the decision and backing the WHO officials while maintaining the World Health Organisation would continue to support Burundi in its battle against the covid19 virus.

The WHO’s Regional Director for Africa Matshidiso Moeti called Mulombo an “extremely competent manager.”

“We remain very willing to support Burundi’s response to COVID-19” he said at a news conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

Tanzanian newspaper earlier in the week had reported that Madagascar president claimed WHO had offered him money to poison their covid19 remedy.

“Madagascar’s President claims he was offered $20m by the world health organization (WHO) to add some little poison in the herbal drink they had manufactured to heal covid19.”

Madagascar also had slammed WHO for their refusal to perform confirmatory test on their covid19 cure and refusal to approve the substance. It is not clear why WHO has not moved in quickly to independently confirm the efficacy of the Madagascan remedy.

Also, the Tanzanian president in a press conference during the week also accused WHO of irregularities.

He didn’t trust the World Health Organization, he took samples from papaya fruits, sheep, goats, and other things. Some of the results came back positive for corona virus while others were negative and inconclusive, respectively.

Concluding, in his speech in a video which has since gone viral, the president tells the people of Tanzania “somebody is taking the world for a ride do not place your trust in WHO but in God.”

The general sentiment among Africans towards the WHO is that of suspicion. Scepticism of WHO’s motives towards Africa is in all time high as citizens continue to share their mistrust of the once renowned organisation.

One twitter user wrote, “When it comes to Africa, World Health Organization speaks more about death than Life. It should be Branded “World Death Organization.”

Obviously, WHO’s affiliation with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has repeatedly echoed depopulation of Africa sentiments, has caused a major trust issue for Africans.