imageA video has emerged today, reportedly of Boko Haram leader threatening to sell off the 234Chybok girls abducted 3 weeks ago from their school hostel in Nigeria.  Interestingly coinciding with the US and UK now publicly making statements and offering assistance to Nigerian government which the people have criticised to have not been doing enough.  UK foreign minister William Hague has used words like ‘disgusting’ to describe the act of the abduction adding that it’s unacceptable.   Adding that the UK has been in contact with Nigeria government and have been working with the government to establish possible ways to resolve the issues with Boko Haram and terrorism.

Analysts say, Nigeria is a very large place for any foreign mission to just take off and commence a search. Usually, it will take some logistics working closely with the government and setting up effective strategies for a productive attempt to rescue the girls.  As the day passes by, fear and hopelessness continues to grip the families and the people of Nigeria as to what will become the fate of the young girls abducted .

Nigeria has a very lose border with most  other countries in the region including Chad and Cameroon where slavery, child marriage and ritual killings are prevalent.  It is difficult to imagine possible outcomes for these young innocent girls with the cases surrounding them. Some claim they are still in the forest with the militants while there has been rumour that some of the girls have already been sold into marriage at $12.

Yesterday, the president had a media chat where he answered to some of the fears of the people, explaining the diplomatic logistics going on. The First Lady also broken down in front of the media as she addresses the issue.  All these has just happened with a space of  hours. But critics remain adamant arguing why has it taken so long for these practical negotiations to be explored.  The news today has suddenly become a headline on Sky news and has repeated been aired and continues to air throughout today.  At least this can be a softener for those who have be critical of a no coverage on such a horrendous humanitarian issue.

Several activists and organisation have been holding peaceful campaigns all over the world asking for world leaders to intervene urgently.

We will keep an eye on this as the story develops.