Ebola_Virus_VictimUntil the arrival of  Libe­rian, Patrick Sawyer few weeks ago, Nigeria was free of the deadly  Ebola virus disease (EVD). Since then,  Nigeria has recorded at least 5 deaths from the virus, including doctors and nurses.

It has emerged however that a second Ebola patient from Liberia may have made entry to the country . Speaking  yesterday morning  on a TV program, a Senior Registrar with Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbo­bi, Lagos, Dr Akindele Akintayo made the disclosure.  He confirms the Liberian has been kept in the Infectious Disease Hospital in Lagos and it’s not know whether or not he had any contact with Mr Sawyer.

At the moment  Nigeria have  recorded 8 suspected cases, 5 of which came in yesterday, 12 confirmed on the whole, five have died, and currently  following up 213 contacts and 63 have com­pleted the 2-day follow-up, according to the state Commissioner for Health, Dr Jide Idris.

Also speaking to news men, Mr Jide Idris has quashed the report of a second Ebola migrant from Liberia.  So far 1300 reported deaths has been recorded in West Africa as South Africa bans any entry of non citizens to the country from any Ebola hit nations.  Ebola has been noted as the worst outbreak to have hit West Africa in the last decade or more.

Health experts continue to urge citizens to raise awareness of preventive measures – like simple hygiene like washing of hands and not to wallow in fear and superstition .

Ebola is know to have the following signs and symptoms – High temperature, diarrhoea, vomiting,  bleeding and rashes.  At the moment, there’s no known cure for Ebola, however, the 2 US Doctors who were treated with the untested serum have recovered and left hospital.