By Faustina Anyanwu
nigeria-flag-2The Minister of Education, Ibrahim Shekarau announced to the members of the media his move to postpone schools resumption dates which has been made possible after several meetings with all the commissioners in the 36 states. He adds both private and public schools must comply with the resumption date.

Nigeria government has been exceptionally prudent in their handling of the Ebola outbreak despite its mortality rate in other African countries and western media’s effort to paint the country with the plague. Nigerian government and the people of Nigeria in West Africa have used every medium possible to create awareness and educate the masses on how and the need to help contain the deadly Ebola virus. Citizens across the globe continue to express satisfaction on the handling the outbreak. One of the nations prominent broadcasters Kayode Ogundamisi the presenter of Politriks with K.O posted on his facebook page, ”

This is one of the many times that Nigeria has shown leadership in times of crisis in the African continent. Citizens are urged to continue in the same matter to bring a lasting end to the menace of the Ebola virus, everyone has to be vigilant and be their brothers keeper .
Meanwhile the death toll from the Ebola in other parts of the continent has been in its 1000s, as its announced that the Liberian Doctor given the US experimental serum known to have cured the US doctors has died. Citizens of Liberia and other countries plagued by the virus are advised to borrow a leaf from their Nigeria counterparts and help their governments to get in control of the Ebola ruthlessness.
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation with over 160 million people mostly educated. The oil rich nation is a vibrant nation where people are happy, cultured and welcome visitors with open arms unlike the US and UK where immigrants and visitors are treated as second class. It is noted that depression and suicide rate in Nigeria is at its minimum compared to how rampant it is in the West and ‘developed’ countries. Although Nigeria for decades has struggled with leadership and democracy, it still ranks one of the most desired nations to visit. The political struggle however can be linked with the difference in the multicultural values that different parts of the nation share.