Trappy Pully and Pushy flat coverTrappy Pully & Pushy by our very own Faustina Anyanwu is set to hit the shelves come late February 2015. The new title which has now set her in ranks with renowned children’s authors is what we would call IT!. The brilliant use of colours, pictorial illustrations and gentle choice of happy words is what makes this title top of shelve. Children are sure to love it, and live this story. The title is catchy, easy to remember and resonates with children.

A tale of three opposite friends, the story takes us through the interesting friendship between Trappy, Pully and Pushy, exposing their individuality and different temperaments. Also shows how these three best friends manages their differences in a fun and interesting way, creating this hilariously funny story that children will read over and over again.

Trappy Pully & Pushy image

Title facts
Title: Trappy Pully & Pushy
Release date : 28 February, 2015.
Edition: Paperback
Size: 24 pages
Publisher: Faunteewrites Limited.
Language : English
Genre: Children’s fiction.
Availability: Now on pre-order

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