President TrumpIn an unprecedented and controversial one week of new government, we are sleeping walking back into an ugly repeat of history.
Along with many other outrageous orders being signed and released, President Trump’s executive order branding all Muslims as a ‘terrorist threat’ is unacceptable, divisive and violets all forms of human right in 21st century.

“In this Trump’s American climate we must all be outraged. It is the Muslims today who knows who next will be encamped. We should never sit back and allow history repeat itself. Stay awake, listen and speak out. Why fear to die when right from birth you’ve already been condemned to die?” Faustina Anyanwu

Donald Trump has effectively banned Muslims from entering the US in an unbelievable act of outright Islamophobia and inhumanity. Trump’s executive order has banned 7 mostly Islamic countries – Libya, Somalia, Irag, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and will include refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict who are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance.

He is indefinitely continuing his policy of branding all Muslims as potential terrorists. Arrivals from targeted countries are already being stopped at US airports. Hamaseh Tayari, a UK resident who holds an Iranian passport, was denied entry into the US on the way back from a holiday in Costa Rica much to her dismay.

Sabby Dhalu from Stand Up To Racism said: ‘Trump is clearly targeting Muslim countries, implying that all refugees are potential terrorists’.

Weyman Bennett from Stand Up To Racism said: ‘First Trump pushes through his plan to ‘build a wall’ to keep out Mexican migrants, now Muslims are targeted. Theresa May has invited Trump to Britain, we say he is not welcome here’.

It is shameful that President Trump has continued his election campaign rhetoric. From insulting and trying to discredit the media, in one instant his team has asked the media to shut up and listen, they have continued to push unfounded propaganda on issues such as number of her his inauguration crowd to calling climate change fake. Giving rather what his team calls ‘alternative fact’. We the people need to be sitting on the edge as the time we’re entering now is unprecedented.

Stand Up To Racism has called a major national ‘March Against Racism’ on Saturday 18 March, UN Anti-racism day, backed by the TUC in order to oppose the racism of Trump and attacks on Muslims, migrants and refugees in Britain. They are calling for mass protests to meet any visit to the UK by Donald Trump alongside the Stop the War Coalition, CND and the People’ Assembly against Austerity.