First Lady Melania Trump has spoken through her spokesperson of her disgust at the policy to separate children from their families at US border. She has expressed her disapproval with her husband’s administration’s policy of separating migrant families who cross the US Mexico border illegally.

The debate surrounding the inhumane ‘zero tolerance immigration policy on illegal border crossings has intensified in recent weeks since the Trump administration announced the policy enacted by Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

The Department of Justice would criminally prosecute all adults attempting to cross illegally into the US by the Southern border. As a result of this policy, families who cross together illegally into the US are being separated.

Stephanie Grisham, the first Lady’s spokesperson on Sunday said in a letter handed to CNN reporter, Kate Bennet, “Mrs Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform. She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws, but also a country that governs with heart.”