Adedoyin Jaiyesimi, founder of The Sparkle Writer’s Hub spoke with Ayishat Amoo on her mission to help people find expression through writing, as well as monetize their skills.

Adedoyin Jaiyesimi is the Founder of The Sparkle Writer’s Hub, a platform that helps people to find expression through writing and monetize their writing gift. The platform offers training and coaching services to those with a desire to master the art of writing and they help them achieve their goals.

She also runs a bespoke social media training company called Content Craft, specializing in training individuals and organizations about social media and how to leverage its power for personal and business growth. She recently joined the team at LSFIPR where she heads the digital division, LSFIDigital, where they create and execute digital media strategy for established brands.

Enjoy this inspiring interview!

What is your inspiration?

God is my number one inspiration. My purpose, my benchmark for success and my vision for my life all come from God. I am also inspired by the lives of everyday men and women who have been able to use their gifts to make a difference in the world. They are proof that no gift is too insignificant.

Could you describe what you do, your role?

As the founder of The Sparkle Writer’s Hub, my main goal is to ensure that those who have a message to share with the world do so through writing. There are people who have things to write but they are not confident to share their message because they believe (falsely) that they do not know how to write. My role is to show such people how to find their writing voice and discover their unique writing style in order to effectively communicate their message whether it is through publishing a book, writing a series of articles or starting a blog. I do this through one on one coaching and the various courses that we offer at The Sparkle Writer’s Hub.

Meet Adedoyin Jaiyesimi, 27 years old
Adedoyin Jaiyesimi

At 40 what do you hope to achieve?

I used to love planning my life 10, 20 years in advance but as I grew older I realised that 10 years too difficult to predict. In fact, tomorrow is difficult to predict. However to answer your question, at every point in time in my life I want to be where God wants me to be, doing exactly what He wants me to do. While I might not have the full details of what I will have achieved by 40, I know definitely that I want The Sparkle Writer’s Hub to become a physical place where writers will receive training and coaching. We operate virtually at the moment. I want it to become a real life writer’s hub.

5 years back did you see yourself where you are today?

Definitely not! Five years ago, I was an intern at an HR consulting firm after returning to Nigeria abruptly. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life as my perfectly laid out plan shattered unexpectedly. I’m grateful for a colleague who urged me to do something with my love for writing after she noticed that I was always reading articles. Without her nudging, I’m not sure if I would be on this path today.

Meet Adedoyin Jaiyesimi, 27 years old
Adedoyin Jaiyesimi

Tell us more about your journey.

Like I stated before, if I was told years ago that I’d be on this particular path, I would have disputed it. I always knew that I was going to start a business but I didn’t know I would start one in the field I’m in right now. My initial dream was to launch a luxury retail store. This changed when I interned at a media company and my love for developing content was sparked. I have always loved to write but I never thought I could set up a business around it until when I took the decision to launch The Sparkle Writer’s Hub after I received an inspiration from God. He gave me the name, the plan and the vision and I just ran with it. The journey has not been a smooth one but it has been fulfilling. The number of writers we have been able to impact within a short time still amazes me. I learn every day as I go on this journey. There are things I have done that have not worked. I simply go back to the blueprint, receive instruction from God and I reorder my steps. There is still a lot to do but I’m grateful for the progress I have made so far.

Who is your role model?

I don’t have a particular role model because specific aspects of the life/ story of certain individuals motivate me. To mention a few names, however, these are the people who I have imbibed something from at different stages of my journey; Bishop T.D Jakes, Brian Houston; Founder of Hillsong Church, Mrs Ibukun Awosika, Mrs Funmi Babington-Ashaye, Francesca Uriri, Mfon Ekpo, Stephanie Obi, Glory Edozien amongst others.

What is your career highlight so far?

Being selected to be part of the content and social media team for the 22nd edition of The Nigerian Economic Summit, having our first event for writers at The Sparkle Writer’s Hub in 2016, successfully creating and implementing a social media strategy for the Women in Management and Business (WIMBIZ) 15th Annual Conference, and executing a research brief for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What is fascinating about your job?

Watching how a little thing like having a coaching session with someone turns into something great like the person launching a book or getting an offer to write for an established platform. This always amazes me and gives me joy. Another thing that fascinates me is the adrenaline rush I get when I am executing a social media strategy. I love the strategy creation process and seeing what you pictured in your head become a reality.

What can you tell young people who are still struggling to find their vision?

Find God; in finding Him, you will find your purpose and the vision for your life. Always look out for ways to add value to people’s lives. Give; your time, talent, skill and substance. Never pass up an opportunity to learn. Learning opens doors for you and creates room for you to grow. Be ready to plant, be ready to sow, and be patient enough to allow your seed to grow.


Connect with Adedoyin online!

Twitter – @msdoyeen/ @SparkleWriters

Instagram – @adedoyinjaiyesimi/ @thesparklewritershub

Website –