Recently, the Big Brother Nigeria (BBN) show ended with Efe Ejeba, the Warri-born contestant, becoming the winner of a whopping 25 million Naira, with an SUV car!

Efe acquired 57.61 per cent of the votes and became the winner. Bisola; the 1st runner up got 18.54 percent of the votes, TBoss, the 2nd runner up got 13.60 percent of the votes. Debbie-rise, the 3rd runner up secured 8.78 percent of the votes, while Marvis got 1.74 percent of the votes.

Efe is an Economics graduate, and he won the heart of many Nigerians because of his humility and humble background.

He was one of the uncontroversial housemates in the house.

In addition, Bisola, the 1st runner up won the ONE Campaign on girl-child and education, and she will be representing Nigeria in the United Nations. Contestants previously had a debate bordering on the girl-child education topic in the house, and a panel was set up to score the contestants, and Bisola won the debate.

With BBN already ended, one can think, ‘how has this program impact me one way or the other?’

We asked some Nigerians, and here is what they had to say:

Rita Aladi said: “For me, it actually made me realize how powerful a people can be when expressing their beliefs/standpoint, as it goes to show that if transparency was really a ‘thing’ in Nigeria, we may have been far better than what we are today as a nation. I was amazed when I started seeing what Efe’s fans were doing for him. From rallies to shirt customizations to millions of naira being put into SMS votes as well as skits…and from big names too. It was such a powerful force and I guess Nigerians don’t give in this much energy when it comes to more important matters like National Elections because they do not feel like their votes actually do count. I think Efe being declared the winner of the show actually made the Nigerian youth feel this sense of worth.

In addition, (this may seem hilarious, but on a moral ground) the show, despite having being described as “immoral” showed that virtues are still being rewarded as duly deserved. As Nigerians, regardless of all the wrong things happening around us, the ‘good voice’ so to speak, actually still have a place in our society. I don’t mean to judge but it was quite obvious that Efe just really seemed like the humble, peaceful, intelligent guy which made a lot of people go all out for him from the onset. Even though many viewed his voters as a ‘sentimental bunch’.

This actually takes me to the next point about BBN’s impact which is this- stay true to yourself always. No matter what situation you find yourself or where you find yourself, never ever forget who you are and represent well. Although some viewed the winner as ‘local’, the only thing that proved to matter at the end of the day was that he was actually simply just being himself the whole time.

Another major point which another housemate helped me really understand was seizing opportunities as they come. Bisola obviously has to be that housemate who made sure that whether she left the house with the money or not, she salvaged the platform to showcase all of her many talents. 

So it supported that saying about not living your life based on the perceptions of others other than yourself. Truth is, whether he won or not, at least he was himself in the house. Compared to a couple who came up with quite silly strategies that they felt could make them win. And we all know what happened.”

Another Nigerian, Blessing stated that: “Based on logistics, I guess the only way it has impacted youths is to build their confidence in whatever they know how to do best.
BBN has also promoted laziness, immoral activities, and so on. Well, I think it promoted immoral activities on a ratio of 96%, and it increased confidence in youths on a ratio of 4%. It doesn’t have any impact, it is just there for entertainment.”


You’ve read their opinions, what do you think? Let us also hear from you in the comments section.