Traci Nichole: Natural Hair Care Exclusive interview with Traci Nichole creator of H40 branding for Natural hair care.

Traci Nichole describes herself as truly a regular girl. A sort of free spirit that is finally finding her way. She is a radiation therapist. As she put it, “My regular 9-5 is treating cancer patients as a radiation therapist.”
Although Traci absolutely loves her job, She however noted that it can be stressful as with any career. “I’ve always loved helping people and that’s probably because growing up I’ve always had someone helping me. So I created H40 naturals as my way of giving back to my people.”

H40 is a natural hair group targeted towards the 40 plus crowd, dedicated to helping those who are already natural, those who are transitioning and those who are “what I like to call nat-curious or curious about this natural thing.”

The H40 group provides uplifting, regimens positive feedback to encourage women to embrace and be proud of their natural hair. It doesn’t stop there. Traci also provides private consultation or small group consultations helping women in their natural hair journey and to keep a healthy natural hair.

How did you come about the brand name?
H40’s name came quickly after I thought it would be hard to find a suitable name. I was thinking about a catchy name and I’m really into moisture and I thought about water, the target age of 40 and up and of course hair. Then H40 can to me. So thus H40 Naturals was invented.

Recently Black Women’s choice of Hair has been under scrutiny, why?

Black Women/People are the most unique people on the planet. Our hair, skin and even our body in general are like no other. Many of us are learning to be proud of our hair again. We are getting rid of the chemicals and the fake hair and wearing our natural tresses. Our hair is thick, big and many don’t know how to take it. Even some of our own people have issues with it. I have a suggestion for anyone that has problems with it, GET OVER IT!

How long have you been on this journey.

The funny thing is, I’ve only been doing this a little over 4 years total. Before I returned natural myself, I researched for about a year. I then big chopped myself January 17, 2014. I was helping others before I started H40 and was actually told I should start my own group by a few people. I woke up one morning and from my phone started the group. It was an instant hit.

There are so many creating events and platforms for natural hair campaigns. Why is yours different?

I’m different because right now I don’t have a product. I do plan on getting one eventually however. I believe that the regimen is just as important for our hair. I believe how we do things and the order it’s done are essential and without that even a good product won’t work to its potential. We also talk about different products that work for different hair types and situations.

What has been your hardest decision doing this?

Turning down quick money for H40 was challenging. I want to focus on hair and helping people. Not making or promoting things that have nothing to do with healthy hair and going off track is not in my agenda right now. I’m taking my time and doing things that I believe are the right way. To see a Queens face when she notices her hair growing back from alopecia, is priceless or to see someone finally do the big chop after being so afraid of what others think is so liberating for me all over again. So I guess this isn’t the hardest decision after all.

What hair story has shocked you the most?

Not really a hair story but more like a pet peeve. I really dislike when people put down other hair textures or put other hair textures above theirs. Healthy hair is beautiful hair! I’ll repeat, HEALTHY HAIR is beautiful hair!
We have to understand that we are all different for a reason. No one texture or skin colour is better than another. We have to learn to believe that. Some hair may be harder to manage of course and that’s why it’s important to learn YOUR hair and what’s best for it. That’s why H40 is here. Queens helping Queens! So let’s get this healthy hair, TOGETHER!!

What tips or quick guide can you give women out there?

H40 Quick Guide
H40 Quick Guide.

Always use plenty of water in your hair by way of water and leave in conditioner almost daily, seal with an oil and cream, trim as needed, deep conditioning weekly, and monthly protein treatment. Also love your hair!

What’s next for H40?

H40 plans include being a one stop natural hair place. A place with easy access to all things natural hair. From stylist to products to hair tools to so much more. We plan to make it easy for naturals to find what they need and their questions answered.

Visit the H40 website for more

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