We have been experiencing the coldest weather we have had in a long time, but we finally feel like Spring is on the way. We can’t be the only ones who are fed up of piling on the layers just to leave the house. Spring always feels like a fresh start so it is the perfect time to get your wardrobe in order. We realise there is a while to go yet before the weather really starts to warm up but it’s always nice to be prepared!
Go through what you have
Pull everything out of your wardrobe and take a look at each item. Obviously it isn’t warm enough yet to ditch the jumpers so split your wardrobe into clothing for the colder and warmer months. Inspect all your spring wear and ask yourself, will I wear this again? If the answer is no then get rid.
Everything that is current season needs to be easily accessible and everything that isn’t can be placed at the back. It is always worth investing in some good storage and hangers so that you can clearly see what you own. Then store all the same items together so jeans with jeans and t-shirts with t-shirts.
If your favourite spring heels look in need of a little TLC then take them to a cobbler to be re-heeled or re-soled. Check the lining of any jackets or dresses and sew up any areas if necessary, or take to a tailor. You can also have any pieces dry cleaned if required so they are ready to go when you need them.
Assess what’s missing
Now you know what you have you can also see what you need. If you are really lacking something like basics then now is the time to stock up. Once spring arrives you will already be organised!