Report of popular Nigerian artist, Dbanj’s baby’s death took over the social media waves early hours of today. The 13 months old baby boy reportedly drowned in the family swimming pool. Dbanj himself is said to have travelled out of the country and the baby was in the care of the mother at time of incident.
Trust court of social media judges and quack journalists, comflicting details are being spread all over social media with varying opinions and blames.
When incidents like this happens our first reaction as humans must be of compassion and empathy before being Judges. Until you have the full facts and is able to come face to face with those involved then, refrain from joining the court of public opinion.
Yes there are laws in places , but we must remmeber these laws are made to be able to separate intentional acts from accidents. And the proper court has the right to all facts hearing from all involved while court of public opinion comes from speculations, envy, and other personal issues they have.
As long as you do not have the full facts, you’re in no place to judge this mother/father who is already grieving. Some of those questions you think you’re asking will go further to tear their family apart. So stop. If one of them ends up killing themselves this same group of court of public opinion will be the first to weigh in. Please pray for them at this time and let the relevant bodies do their job. Have their proper investigation, interrogation and decision.
When people cite western world and their law on negligence, I laugh. What easily comes to mind is the McCains and the disappearance of their daughter. How many years now and What has the law done to them? Court of public opinion can think whatever but, the real court who has the fact decides based on facts and having given opportunity for the accused to defend themselves. Also, your going free in the court depends also on who your lawyer is and what he/she can do. So the law which is made for man and not man for it, allows you the opportunity to at least defend yourself while public opinion concludes crucifies without facts.
In this Dbanj baby incident, I’ve read varying accounts meaning no one has the full facts. Therefore, all must at this time show empathy and compassion. I read there was a family visit and some older children. The said pool is indoors in a room with its own door and perhaps keys. Therefore issue of bariccade is solved. We don’t know who granted access to this room to the baby and we don’t know who the older children were. We don’t know what the adults were doing at the time and why they trusted the baby with the older kids. Is this their first time visiting this home? How close are responsible have they been when they visit?
These counter questions we also do not have answers to.
You see why you can’t begin to judge what you don’t know.
Let us be humans before being quack judges in our court of public and free social media opinion.
Faustina Anyanwu.