Nigeria’s Hilda Baci is officially a Guinness World Record holder, awarded 93 hours 11 minutes

“Hilda was not awarded 100 hours because almost 7 hours were deducted from her final total because she mistakenly took extra minutes for one of her rest breaks early on in the attempt. As with all ‘longest marathon’ records, the participant is permitted a five-minute rest break for every continuous hour of activity. These rest breaks can be accumulated if not taken. They were the only times Hilda could use the bathroom or sleep during the attempt.”

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100 Most Influential Creatives 2021: Nnamdi Kanu.

Nnamdi Kanu is a Nigerian pro-Biafra political activist, the founder of IPOB (Indigenous People Of Biafra), leading the largest separatist movement since the Nigerian civil war. Nnamdi Kanu in the last 5 years has mobilized the largest following of Igbo ‘Biafran’ youths in the quest for independence for the  Eastern Nigerian region – The Biafra.

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One Comic Book At a Time, Chika Nwaogu Is On A Mission To Eradicate Period Poverty And Stigma

In a bid to combat this phenomenon, a Nigerian entrepreneur, Chika Nwaogu, co-founder and executive director of PadHer, a Lagos-based women-led nonprofit is making it free, fun, easy, and comfortable teaching young African school girls from under-served communities about periods and puberty using comic books. 

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