Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nations remains a key window for Coronavirus Covid19 penetration of the continent. How Nigeria manages it preventatively will have a lot impact on how the outbreak affects the continent of Africa.

So far, Nigeria has recorded 5 cases in Lagos, the economic centre of the nation. Whether this number is accurate or there have been any inconsistencies, the relatively low cases remains a mystery to the world.

Whatever the case, Nigeria in spite of its complacent approach to issues has once shown the world what it can do in the face of challenge. During the 2014 Ebola outbreak, Nigeria quickly stopped it in its tracks. The world is watching and citizens are hoping the government of this day can rise to the task just as the then Goodluck Jonathan’s administration did with Ebola. Given the concise and swift actions and steps being taken by the country, I’m also optimistic that Nigeria is set to surprise the world once again, beating this outbreak.

So far, cities are going on lockdown already and the government continues its contact tracing, screening and isolation of arrivals as well as subsequent outright banning of entries from worst-hit areas.

A few days ago, Lagos state banned any gathering of any form of more than 50 people and is set to extend this if need be. Also, they continue to track possible contacts with suspected cases. The state is doing all it can to track and contact possible incubators. Announcing the continued search for passengers who may have been in the – Turkish flight of 14th of March, 2020 TK1830 and Lufthansa Flight of 13th of March, 2020 LH568, the state government urges anyone in those flights to self-isolate and contact Lagos State Ministry of Health on 08000CORONA. According to the statement, they are currently following over 1,300 people for information about the state of their health and the number is increasing. The state continues to run more tests on suspected individuals and contacts of confirmed cases. But this is not enough. Lagos state is a key city in Nigeria’s ability to beat the spread of the covid19 and they need to be more stringent in pursuing this outcome. Citizens are urged to also participate in combating this outbreak by cooperating with the state.

Call #COVID19Lagos toll Free 08000CORONA lines to report suspected cases. Follow the hashtags for details and updates on social media.
#LASG #ForAGreaterLagos #LagosAgainstCovid19

In the same vein, The administration of the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria has said measures will be intensified to prevent the outbreak of the dreaded COVID-19. Following the preventative measures that the country has adopted, Dr. Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu, the FCT Minister of State has directed for all schools, both private and public school at all levels be shutdown till further notice as well as banning social gatherings of any kind.