Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
Global preparedness for health emergency report released 0n 13th September 2019.

WHO gave a chilling warning of possible Coronavirus pandemic in September 2019.

The World Health Organisation in 2019 warned the world of an impending respiratory viral infection pandemic, it’s First report on global preparedness for health emergencies. In the report, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board identified the most urgent actions required to accelerate preparedness for health emergencies. The report focused mainly on epidemics and pandemics.

The warning: the key points of the warning are –

Once an outbreak has occurred, it is too late to prepare ourselves.

The world is not prepared for a fast-moving global respiratory #pandemic.

Could kill over 80 million people.

Wipe out 5% of world economy.

Could spread across the world in 36 hours.

The world is not prepared.

On 18th September 2019, the World Health Organisation in a series of tweets warned of looming respiratory viral disease epidemic that could kill up to 80 million people globally. The tweets which were highlighted with a #worldatrisk outlined the several ways the world will be destroyed by this predicted pandemic.

#AWorldatRisk: The world is not prepared for a fast-moving global respiratory #pandemic that could kill up to 80 million people, devastate economies and create social chaos: Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s first report.

A global respiratory pathogen #pandemic could:
Spread across the world in 36 hours.
Killing as many as 80 million people.
Wiping out 5% of the world economy.

world at risk

Once an outbreak has occurred, it is too late to prepare ourselves.


Disease outbreaks and epidemic-prone diseases – from influenza to Ebola, are increasingly more difficult to manage in ever-more complex social and political environments and in a 🌎 where modern air travel ✈️ and migration are fueling the spread of disease

Countries’ health systems are only as strong as its weakest part, and currently these weaknesses threaten us all.

For too long, we have allowed a cycle of panic and neglect when it comes to #pandemics: we ramp up efforts when there’s a serious threat, then forget about them when the threat subsides.
This is extremely costly, in terms of lives, financial cost, lost progress

The great majority of national health systems would be unable to handle a large-scale outbreak, with the poorest and most fragile communities facing the greatest risk.

Now people are pointing accusing fingers at the World Health Organisation as one twitter user wonders why they fail to talk about prophylaxis, prevention, protection but instead the organisation has chosen to scare people around the world? He wrote – “Then talk about prophylaxis, prevention, protection and not scaring people around the world?”