An All-female Military Troop has been deployed to Anambra State on the request of state govenor to help bring the state back to normalcy and peace.

The politically tense and volatile state is said to be the home of secessionist group – IPOB and for months has seen number of clashes between the police and the group.

Given the tension in the state, the deployment of Nigerian soldiers to Anambra would have been seen as suspicious and interpreted as another army crackdown on indigenous people and IPOB. The motive of the Army would have been taken out of contest and perhaps sensationalized by the media and the seccessitionist leader, Nnamdi Kalu.

However, the sophisticated tact of Nigerian Army in sending an all female troop is less aggressive and will quell any fears and tensions Army presence would have had. This is an intelligent calculation as people see female soldiers as more friendly, humane and are less likely to feel threatened by them.

Nigerian military is famed as the most gender inclusive with the largest female soldiers in Africa.