Biisafe_Dock-Remote_1Personal safety devices are needed more now than ten years ago and will play even more role in the future according to over 70% of the survey participants . The survey was conducted in September 2013 with a web-based questionnaire. There were 225 respondents, aged 18-65, from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Finland.

In this era of smartphone and i things, there are much we can expect from our devices. Safety is one of them obviously . Though some scholars have argued that these devices are creating even more risk than safety. But today’s survey has revealed otherwise.

A big number of respondents (41%) are using a product or service that enhances his or her or their loved one’s personal safety. 47% of those who are not using one, have at some point thought of buying one. Most users of a safety device among countries part of the survey come from Canada (49%), followed by USA (26%) and New Zealand (12%).

Safety of one’s loved ones is an important issue for the respondents, in addition to his or her own safety. The respondents thought that they most probably would use a safety device for themselves (66%), for example when running alone. The second most likely use for it (54%) would be an elderly parent or grandparent. The respondents wanted to be sure their elderly relatives are doing fine, and that they would have the ability to send an alert message in case they need help. Many of the respondents would also find it useful to be able to be aware of their kid’s whereabouts (41%), according to the survey results.

“Today’s technology, with smartphones and other mobile devices, provides an enormous amount of new possibilities also in the field of safety devices and services. Location sharing and alert sending are just a couple of examples,” says BiiSafe’s CEO Jouni Suutarinen. “Consumers value also more everyday features. One example that came up in our survey was the ability to make sure not to leave your keys or phone behind,” continues Suutarinen.

BiiSafe develops mobile-based safety systems and related accessories for consumer and corporate use. Its application can be used for home monitoring and for personal safety. BiiSafe is bringing to market a stylish mobile accessory for personal safety.