Small Business Owners need to understand how to be more ‘social’ on social media.

As a small business owner in the 21st century, you will know that integrating social media into your business, and using social media to the advantage of your business; is important.

This is because the percentage of those that are online during this age and time has tremendously increased, and a business has a make sure it is also communicating and finding its target audience ‘where they are’.

One of the challenges small business face when it comes to social media is the inability of them to be ‘social’ on social media.

First, I would like to clarify that there are two ways to go about this for your business. You can either do it yourself and learn the things you need to know, or you can outsource to companies or individuals who do social media management.

With that said, when trying to be more social on social media, a business owner should ensure that he or she engages with her followers properly. Social media isn’t just a place to go and post something every morning or day, it is not just a place where you automate your posts and share your posts. Social media is a place to be ‘social’. And to be ‘social’, you have to engage. How do you engage? You can ask questions, you ask for feedback, you like your customers posts, you share their posts, and so on.

In addition, when asking questions online, it is important to ask the right questions. In order to get the right feedback from your customers, you need to ask questions that are relevant to them. It is not enough to ask questions or post online, you also need to respond to relevant comments online, this will even give your customers an idea of how your customer service is.

Also, brand consistency is another important aspect of social media. For instance, if your website has a colour and your business has a particular logo; you need to ensure that your social media profiles reflect all that. This is so that your customers will have the right kind and consistent customer experience, whenever they come in contact with your brand; either on different platforms online or offline.

Another way to also be social on social media is to be creative and ensure that you communicate with your customers and prospective customers creatively. Use texts, images, graphics, videos, and so on to creatively communicate with your audience.

One of the ways to also be social is to take advantage of things like Twitchat on Twitter. You can interview professionals or experts in your field and have an engaging chat session with them. This will also help your customers or prospective customers to perceive you as ‘social’.

Likewise, another way to be more social on social media is to post about current events. You can keep tabs on current events and try to talk about the ones that are relevant to your business and area of industry.

Furthermore, using user generated contents is also another way to be more ‘social’. This is because customers and prospective customers would get to participate and send in their contents, either in form of pictures, articles, etc. As they participate, you interact more with them.

Don’t also forget to be authentic, and not fake it. Talk to your customers and be real with them. People like those that are real with them.



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