Sinead O’Connor, the ‘Nothing Compares to You’ singer is seen crying in a 12-minute video, where she said she’s making the video to help people understand mental illness.

The Irish mother of three and singer was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2003 but later said she was misdiagnosed. However went on to suffer depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ​(PTSD).

She’s heard saying,
“I am now living in a motel in New Jersey. I’m all by myself,
“Mental illness, it’s like drugs, it doesn’t care who you are, and equally what’s worse, the stigma doesn’t care who you are.”

She went on to say;
“There’s absolutely nobody in my life except my doctor, my psychiatrist – the sweetest man on earth, who says I’m his hero – and that’s about the only thing keeping me alive at the moment… and that’s kind of pathetic. “I want everyone to know what it’s like, that’s why I’m making this video.”

“I am one of millions… people who suffer from mental illness are the most vulnerable people on earth, we can’t take care of ourselves, you’ve got to take care of us,” she said.

“My entire life is revolving around not dying, and that’s not living. And I’m not going to die, but still, this is no way for people to be living.”

Mental health figures are rising year on year. According to WHO, The number of people who are affected by mental health is rising. In 1990, 416 million people suffered from depression or anxiety worldwide – these numbers rose to 615 million in 2013 (World Health Organisation, 2016).

The numbers are staggering and more emphasis definitely needs to be laid on this issue. Mental Health Statistics states that, “They are prevalent not just in the UK, but around the world.”
Major depression is thought to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide and a major contributor to the burden of suicide and ischemic heart disease.
It is estimated that 1 in 6 people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem.

And Divas of Colour is launching their mental health awareness campaign tagged #MindYourMind as part of their Divas of Colour festival in 2018. The campaign is simply encouraging especially women of colour to stop being ‘strong’ and start speaking out, seeking for help and pay attention to their state of mind. You can follow the campaign with the hash tag #MindYourMind and on social media with #DivasofColour2018 following @DivasofColour.

Tune In by Faustina Anyanwu
Tune In by Faustina Anyanwu now on pre-order

And in my forthcoming book titled, Tune In, I have warned entrepreneurs that they “will need their mind and body in tact to be able to achieve success.” It is important that entrepreneurs as well as everyone pays attention to their coping ability and do not be afraid to own up when they have reached their breaking point.
‘Tune In: Fauntee’s Inspirational Quotes for Success’, will officially be released in January 2018 ahead of Divas of Colour 2018.