Alcohol Awareness: Cost-of-living Crisis Driving Up Alcohol Dependence

Even small amounts of alcohol affect our emotions, judgement, memory, speech, and anger levels. Excessive drinking and long-term consumption can kill brain cells. Drinking affects the frontal cortex, which is used for planning, forming ideas, and making decisions, and the hippocampus stores our memories. Once the hippocampus is damaged, you may experience difficulty learning new things and retaining new long-term memories.

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Top Tips on How To Have Better Relationships – Campaign Against Living Miserably 

Breakups can actually churn up the same emotions as grief so you might be feeling lots of different things day to day. It’s totally okay if you just need to throw the duvet over your head and demolish a family bag of crisps. Call the people who make you feel good and remember, it might feel like you can’t get through it, but you will. 

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The Power of Alcohol on Our Lives: When is Drinking A Problem?

An alcohol abuser is someone who begins to take their alcohol consumption too far. Their social drinking becomes more frequent, often with heavy to extreme consumption. An alcohol abuser’s drinking habit may become physically harmful to themselves and others around them. They may begin to put work and family obligations to the side.

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Leading By Example: Royal Leaders in Men’s Mental & Emotional Health.

“This family were very tight lipped historically about their ‘private’ affairs and in many ways still are, Charles and his mother come from a generation that prided themselves on putting aside personal needs for public good, as men culturally they are trained to withhold around psychological distress, they all went through education systems (residential/collective childcare) that are known to make kids more reserved about their internal worlds as success was seen in terms of attainment in exams etc.” 

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