business tips

March 25, 2020

Entrepreneurs Guide To Positioning Themselves During This COVID19 Crisis.

Although this situation has presented us with enormous challenges, it’s also important to quickly grasp the intrinsic message that comes with the situation, knowing that problems are the number one byproduct of progress. Resilience allows you to deal with constantly changing environments. Now is the time for you to start laying your hands on things that may come your way.
August 13, 2019
Entrepreneur Mistakes to avoid

Start-up must read: 10 entrepreneurs share mistakes that nearly rocked their business. 

Although motivational speakers and social media tend to gloss over and over hype the success rate, Office For National Statistics paints a different picture. According to ONS, only 45% of UK businesses make it to their 5th year. Several reasons may be responsible for the failures we see in businesses, including, lack of cash flow, access to funding, market saturation, competition, personal problems and of course some fatal mistakes from the entrepreneurs themselves can rock a well-thought-out and planned business.
May 28, 2019

Why Brit businesses are taking the nosedive and what emerging ones are doing to stay afloat.

"They're not embracing digital channels and delivering a consistent experience across all the channels. In their mind, there is still the offline and online world, when in reality consumers don't notice that divide, they expect to see and experience the same message, offer or promotion at any touch point, seamlessly,"
January 4, 2019
10 Finance Tips Every Entrepreneur Must Know

Tips on how to be more productive with your time as a working from home entrepreneur.

It's easy for motivational speakers to talk you into starting your own business. Yes, it's good to work for yourself, everyone needs to. Especially this era of social media and high tech generation where you can actually 'create the life you want' working on your hobbies or talent. As good as it sounds, being self employed just like the most preached against 9-5, has its own flaws and challenges. Time management among many others.