Perseverance breeds success.

I have failed, given up on myself and life itself, stumbled and broken but could not rise. Then it occurred to me that I cannot stay on the ground or continue to permit brokenness, frustration and any fiasco to keep occurring in my life. For you and me to rise or succeed in our life pursuits, business and in our entire life, WE HAVE TO PERSEVERE. Perseverance is an important ingredient in life for achieving your life goals. It is what can make you wax great and sit on your throne of greatness. Let me refer to one of my best verses written in the Bible which is applicable to us all if we see a positive meaning in it—– Luke 21:19, “Stand firm, and you will win life” (New Living Translation) and James 1:4 “Allow perseverance to finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” So what is perseverance? According to, “perseverance is the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.”


Perseverance means to continue unwaveringly, particularly in something that is difficult or tedious. It requires regular practice to develop the quality of perseverance. Only a persevering person with resilience and determination can achieve his or her goal by perseverance. Perseverance is the unremitting application of mind to a work once begun. It is a secret of success in life. It is the indistinguishable brother of patience. Disappointments, snafu, setbacks and fiascos occur in our lives but we should never yield to them. In fact, failures are the stepping-stones to success.

There are many challenges that life would bring to us which we all have to go through before we can accomplish something worthy in life. Perseverance is the only enduring quality inculcated in or learned by every successful individual. For every process in life, patience, persistence, perseverance, are indispensable qualities required for survival. Perseverance is the sine qua non for any worthwhile achievement. Without it, no awesome accomplishment is conceivable. Regardless of the possibility that a man is not exceptionally gifted, nor exceedingly proficient, but rather of an ordinary worth, he can still prevail in life essentially by his persistence. Each activity or process or steps taken in life surely has its response. A man who is exceptionally smart, and an erudite virtuoso, however is indolent by nature, unscrupulous, unenthusiastic, and accepts defeat easily, however can barely succeed in life, since he doesn’t know how to utilize perseverance and work in the correct bearing.

Can Perseverance be learned overtime?

The uplifting news is that perseverance can be learned eventually. The most essential stride in learning perseverance is to decide on objectives that are important to you. You wouldn’t endeavour to achieve an objective that you couldn’t care less about. At that point make an arrangement with little quantifiable strides or bold steps to meet your objective. Get on your feet and walk on that path that leads to fulfilling your purpose in life. Do not relent on your effort but just keep moving on. Remain resolute on finishing the little strides with a specific end goal to stop any form of negativity and distraction. The little achievements or victories will keep you enthused to proceed toward your objective in life. You know perseverance will surely take you to your destination in life. Be attentive to distinguish potential impediments and get ready for adversities – don’t give people or even the society a chance to ruin you. Learning the act of perseverance won’t be simple, however it is very possible.

Why should you persevere?
There are so many good reasons why every human needs to persevere in life. This includes:
• Perseverance brings win. It makes you a victor not a victim.
• Perseverance makes you execute those life projects.
• It makes you be a better and stronger version of yourself.
• It makes you wax great.
• It makes you soar to greater heights.
• It makes you turn your virgin seeds (your unused or untouched potential, strengths, gifts, talents, ideas, etc.) into reality and something beneficial to you, your community and the world at large.
• It makes you an incarnation of understanding.
• It makes you a paragon of virtue (perseverance is a virtue itself).
• It makes you an epitome of wisdom.
• It makes you a reservoir of the knowledge and happenstance of life.
• Perseverance can make you achieve that state of sophrosyne and metanoia throughout your life’s journey.
• Perseverance is what actually rekindles the warrior trait in us (the verve and courage elements in us to jump over those hurdles of life, to keep pressing on until we get what we want and deserve in life, etc.); Perseverance gives you what you demand and desire in life.
• Perseverance leads to a turn-around, and a testimony.
• Perseverance changes the situations of life from ridiculous to miraculous.
• Perseverance changes your wounds to wisdom.
• Perseverance gives you a good carriage (i.e. it improves your panache and pizzazz).
• Perseverance makes you feel the exhilaration of victory.
• Perseverance prevents shame, embarrassment, ignominy and mockery.
• Perseverance can help you rearrange your thought patterns and help you obliterate mediocrity, indolence, and shame from your mental system.