Sine qua nons for Success and living your dream life
Success is what everyone craves for in all ramifications. Nobody wants to be tagged a never-do-well or a failure in the society. This is one of the numerous reasons why people strive so hard to embrace success and be identified as one in the society. Success is of different meaning to different individuals; To some, it is the achievement of one’s aims or goals in life, and to others it is the fact of acquiring or achieving wealth, respect and fame. Well, Success is just like a recipé to me; it is a mixture of healthy motivation, hard and smart work, diligence, faith, efficient procedures/steps, that brings about quality results. Behind every success, there is a price. This price could be hard work, diligence, courage, resilience, reliability, passion, diplomacy, effective proactive planning, proper time management, healthy friendships, preparedness and steadfastness. And yes! Positive proclamations into one’s life plays a pivotal role in attaining success.
Welcome aboard to the ship of success:
Setting out your goals and visions
For success to be achieved, an aim or goal and a vision has to be set out. A purposeless and a visionless life leads to one’s downfall, demise, or even a fiasco. When I say demise, may not necessarily be physical death but unaccomplished dreams, unutilized potential and wasted dreams that were never turned into reality. Identifying both your short-term and long-term goals is a necessity towards reaching each desired success in life. By now, you should know that there is a dream you need to accomplish; a project you need to execute, a talent you need to maximise, an invention you need to come up with, and of cause ideas to be turned into reality.
Make positive proclamations to yourself
The words you speak to yourself goes a long way to shaping your life. Be optimistic and always speak good to your life. Never you see yourself as a fiasco, a black sheep of the family, a mediocre or even as a never-do-well. You must obliterate every demeaning image or words of self-pity, mediocrity and failure from your mental system. Learn from your mistakes and shut the door to your past. See yourself as a winner, a champion, a conqueror and a hero in life. When you change your mindset about yourself, people around your and your environment, then you are sure of paving a clear and narrow path to success.
Getting really prepared for success
Preparedness is indeed a huge step towards achieving success in life. You have to equip yourself by updating your knowledge base about the particular area you want to venture into; put on the armour of faith, positivity, love, focus and other positive attitudes that can propel you to the zenith of success. Don’t be lackadaisical towards carrying out your set goals. Always be ready to take bold steps of actions, be willing to work under duress if need be. Don’t be weary and complain less. Put in more verve and readiness, notwithstanding the tosses of the environment or turbulent storms of life. Even a farmer does not go to the farm without his farm tools, so always get ready for the different phases of life as it comes with its challenges. Be strong.
Working on your dream and set goals
Now that you have set your life goals, aims and you know your dreams, it is time to get into full work. Working on your dreams and goals requires wisdom, understanding, hardwork and diligence. Work on your dream every day without relenting on your effort. Don’t be discouraged if things do not well. Such shortcomings help you to rethink and redirect your strength sometimes, towards what is really beneficial to you that you did not take cognizance of initially. Working on your dreams and goals could involve connecting with others, sharing ideas, attending workshops and conferences that are related to your dream, doing thorough research, travelling to see things for yourself, reading about the works and success stories of those who have excelled in your chosen field or career. Setting aside time to work on living your dream each day will help make it a reality.
Keep record of your success
Make sure you track how far and how well you have done in achieving your set goals. Do a meticulous review of your plans, strategies and techniques used in executing your goals. Measure your progress always at least, monthly or quarterly. Definitely, there would be room for some improvement or adjustments along the way. Doing this will rekindle your desire for success, makes you appreciate your efforts, do a rethink and even channels your commitment towards the areas that need serious critical thinking and solutions. For sure, you will remain optimistic, motivated to work more instead of being in doldrums.
Remain Steadfast in your pursuit for success
Never ever give up. Remain constant and just keep moving on until you achieve your set goals and get to the pinnacle of success. You have to hold on to this, “I am a champion not a loser.” You have to make sure that every bold steps you take towards achieving your dreams in life, that your footprints must be seen on the sands of time. Do not fall down, rise up and confront every challenging situations with a big heart. Remain steady in your life journey on success. Never allow your background (financial status, academic status or whatever it is) to place your back on the ground. Spread your wings and soar to greater heights; Be at the heart of the nation making history. Be the icon of hope in your generation, the trove of treasure and the insignia of excellence and success, that the society will be so proud off. Always remain steadfast.