Election results
Seats won · 649/650 seats declared

Party and leader Seats

Conservative – Theresa May: 318 seats, 48.9%

Labour – Jeremy Corbyn: 261 seats, 40.2%

Scottish National Party – Nicola Sturgeon: 35 seats, 5.4%

Liberal Democrat – Tim Farron; 12 seats, 1.8%

Democratic Unionist Party: Arlene Foster; 10 seats, 1.5%

Theresa May
Theresa May heads to Buckingham Palace
The UK woke up this morning to the shock of chaotic and unstable government as PM Theresa May’s arrogant and unnecessary call for snap election backfires. Although she still has the largest seats, but she has failed to keep the majority she inherited nor achieved the landslide mandate she gambled for. Therefore it is a total catastrophe

This is a woman whose party had the mandate and one wonders what other mandate she wanted. She is about to eat a humble pie to seek to form coalition with DUP, a party that is unknown and has no seat in parliament. Throwing the government into an even more chaotic state. Let’s hope that this humble pie doesn’t get stuck in her throat as we’re hearing calls for her to step aside. Would Boris Johnson play any games? Let’s keep watching.

Throughout the period of this election campaign opposition parties accused her of putting her party gain before the country’s interest. Just 7 weeks ago, the PM had a majority government she conveniently inherited from her predecessor, yet she came out to tell the nation she wanted a majority mandate to be able to negotiate the Brexit deal.

She arrogantly thought Jeremy Corbyn was a write off, a walkover. PM was not bothered to connect with the people neither was she interested in coming to defend and debate her records or policies respectively. She wanted us to believe that she is the strong and all powerful woman who alone can stabilise the nation and navigate it right. We heard over and over the sound bite – “Strong and Stable”. Unfortunately, these 7 weeks have exposed what a cold, proud, unstable and weak leader she is, who is unable to negotiate with even her closest circle.

She led and allowed the most vile, negative, divisive campaign ever and her total disrespect of her opposition is unforgiveable. She failed to project her manifesto, or to focus on policies. Rather she allowed and spent the entire time with her media cohorts attacking Jeremy Corbyn’s person. The electorates have given her the verdict, letting her know ‘enough is enough’. The era of politics as usual is over.

The electorates have spoken and their verdict is clear. ‘we don’t want politics of hard Brexit, no more politics of austerity.