Many of us will have made New Year resolutions with the aim of finding a new job or getting fit. But what about when it comes to personal style? The start of a new year is the perfect time to define our personal style and have a clear out for the year ahead. We have put together five wardrobe resolutions to tackle in 2018.

Don’t buy something just because it’s in the sale

An item is not a bargain if you don’t really need it. Sales are only great if something you have had you eye on for a while is marked down. Buying for the sake of it because you think you’re getting a great deal is just a waste of money. It is likely you won’t end up wearing it if you weren’t in love with it in the first place.

One in one out

If you are trying to keep your wardrobe to a more manageable size then a one in one out policy is a good idea. When you purchase a new piece remove an item you no longer wear. This should also help you to only buy what you love.

Discover new brands

Hands up if you only visit the same stores when you go shopping. We are creatures of habit and it is very easy to get stuck in a rut. Quite often we head to the same shops because we know the clothes fit us well, but now is the time to try something new. There are always new brands launching what ever your price range. You never know, you could come away with some amazing finds.

Buy for multiple occasions

One of the best wardrobe resolutions you can make is to buy pieces you can wear for many different occasions. When you have a special occasion like a wedding, or even a night out planned, it is so easy to run to the shops for a new outfit. That outfit then sits in your wardrobe after the event, never to see the light of day again. Buy adding a few smarter items to your wardrobe in a more classic style you can wear them again and again. Just switch up your accessories for a completely different look.

If it doesn’t fit, get rid

Are you guilty of having a section of your wardrobe that doesn’t fit you anymore? You convince yourself that you will get back into those clothes so you daren’t part with them. Chances are you won’t wear them again and they are just taking up valuable space. It is also common to buy clothes in a smaller size with the aim of being able to get into them. If something doesn’t fit you well don’t buy it, and if you already own it then get rid.

Have you made any wardrobe resolutions for this year?