Staying On Top: The three Big Challenges A Startup Must Conquer.
Getting loyal customers, time management and cash flow. Overcoming these challenges will exponentially drive your business to the top. Here’s how…
Read moreGetting loyal customers, time management and cash flow. Overcoming these challenges will exponentially drive your business to the top. Here’s how…
Read moreThe culture that’s prevalent in the firm can hamper the urge to make the right decision at the right time. The culture of big bonuses, sense of entitlement and self-interest can make businesses make a wrong decision as we have seen in Enron and Arthur Anderson.
Read moreThe more you use your imagination, the more creative you become. If you can imagine it, then it’s possible. Putting into practice what you imagine, the more effective and better you become. It is said that Rome was not built in a day. When you practise new synapses in your brain new connections are being made. Without hard work, talent does not grow and therefore growth is stunted. Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the book you want to read, build the products you want to use – do the work you want to see done.
Read moreprocess is quite simple. Musicians upload their music on our platform and upon review and acceptance, we make it available for licensing. All current music that we distribute will be available for licensing as well,” Chidi continued. “However, current musicians on our platform can choose to opt-out from our licensing program within the next thirty days by simply stating this to us in writing. We don’t charge our musicians for our licensing services, much in the same way, we don’t charge them for our distribution services. We simply take 25% of whatever we make for them.”
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