
July 30, 2014

Beware of fraudsters warns the leader of Nigeria Centenary awards UK committee.

In an emergency briefing with the members of the media today, Mr Ayo Akinfe(pictured) warns the general public of a recent finding of fraudsters allegedly impersonating the Nigeria centenary awards UK committee. The fraudsters are said to be sending scam letters informing their target that they've won a sum of money. He warns that such letters are not from the prestigious body, rather from individuals who want to tarnish the image of the organisation.
July 30, 2014

Divas of colour International women’s award 2015 nominations now open.

Divas of colour International women’s award is the largest gathering of women of colour in London to celebrate and discover their best. This year themed Divas working with the depressed and mentally I’ll in support of Depression Alliance UK. Following a successful debut earlier this year, we’re pleased to announce that Divas of colour 2015 is here with a Big Bang .
July 29, 2014

When women finally take over the boardroom…

Before you go off point, I'm not a feminist I'm a humanist even when I have obvious reasons to be one. I still refuse because I haven't yet understood the agenda of the feminists and what they really want. Well that said, I grew up amongst a generation of women who have been the driving force of the family. These women are the pillars of what I have become today. Speaking for myself. This debate is a daily occurrence in my house, I'm never found lacking words and examples of loads and loads of women game changers.
July 29, 2014

Dr Sheik Umar Khan Sierra Leone’s head doctor dies from Ebola

Sierra Express Media announces today of the death of Dr Sheik Umar Khan, Sierra Leone’s head doctor fighting the deadly tropical virus Ebola in Sierra Leone today. According to the news report, "Dr. Khan contracted the deadly virus only a matter of days ago in his duties attending to infected patients."